Felluca town buffs request
i think this question was raised many times before, i wonder if we ever got a clear answer?
why are the town buffs not available in felluca for red players?
here’s 2 additional solutions:
solution1 insists on allowing reds to recall into a very specific location in tram 3 tiles away from the city stone to take the buff and recall out.
solution 2: a vet reward of the city stone which any player could lock down in his house and benefit from it.
i trust that the devs can find several additional solutions for this problem.
why are the town buffs not available in felluca for red players?
here’s 2 additional solutions:
solution1 insists on allowing reds to recall into a very specific location in tram 3 tiles away from the city stone to take the buff and recall out.
solution 2: a vet reward of the city stone which any player could lock down in his house and benefit from it.
i trust that the devs can find several additional solutions for this problem.
Discord: Gandalf#5361
PRO Guild Leader
PRO Guild Leader
Being a governor is expensive.
I’ve given my opinion on this before, I think the buff should be purgeable and be lost on death like most buffs, then players wouldn’t be completely reliant on it to the point where they eat forged pardons to remain blue for it. Would also assist against power creep.