From an Orc’s perspective.

I get it, being an Orc is pretty niche. There aren’t very many of us. There’s a singular lone Orc on Catskills, and the small band of Orcs that have popped up recently on Siege Perilous. Hard to really cater to just 10 players across two shards, but here’s some issues I’d like to bring to light from an RP/PK perspective. 

First and foremost. This titles system. I can’t turn off the title Lord without having to die a whole bunch and lose fame after every single hunt to restock my imbue coffers. Not an issue for most players, but “Lord Blug’Tar” or “Lady Sadug” is a pretty obnoxious curse to be carrying around. Can we diversify this please? Maybe allow us to earn specific replacements through a series of quests, or allow us to simply toggle the “Lord” overhead title to off. 

Second, it’s pretty hard to survive in Ultima without a mount these days, and an Ethy is part of the natural order of things when you’re conducting a lot of actions from stealth in PvP. In the past, Orcs could get away with skipping mounts on everyone but Mages through Krimping and other team based tactics. In modern Ultima, this is difficult or impossible due to the way the client now helps the player navigate obstacles.

There’s a 50/50 split to most things in Ultima, yet the Charger of the Fallen has no alternative for a player who is dominately evil. We can’t have Orcs, Brigands, or Vampires running around on silly armored horses designed for a knight, and it’s difficult to recruit brand new players who have access to higher-end veteran rewards, so can we get some more options in that cash shop? You guys need revenue, we need items. Let’s make a deal and show love for some newer players and veterans alike.

These are honestly two of the larger hurdles I’ve run into thus far in revitalizing an Orc Clan. Finding players to join a new clan on a shard that seems scary due to a lack of insurance in facets that are always PvP is difficult enough, but when I have a brand new player it’s best that I can present them with RP specific options for mounts, without having to break character and explain why I’ve been cursed with the title Lord and can’t get it off. 

Dems me dub shinies todey. Ders gunna be mor me shurr. Gug’ye agh rulg fer reedun. 


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I'd like this twice if i could !! and would go further and say i think most armor should be customize able for lack of a better word would it really hurt anyone for the poor orc guy to turn his hat of the magi into an orc helm? if they want to give us vanity things this is the stuff that would sell in League of legends they call them skins or something . some sort of tool you click target an item and it brings up choices of artwork stats etc all stay the same
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Nice post, I give you a little "tylenol" grief every now and then, but you're good at what you do and I hope it returns in popularity like it used to be. Make sure you tag @Kyronix
    and @Bleak
    so they see these, oh and if @Mesanna
    can have locked down guild books for New and that special something or another in Moonglow for Drakelord, surely one of them can at least take notice of this and do something.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Back in the day Shadowclan allowed mounts only for Mojokas and they were riding Ostards. So maybe an ethy Ostard would be the solution to your problem.

    The Lord title is only a problem when you're red. If you are blue you can sacrifice your fame and gain points in sacrifice for selfresses...very convenient. Other than that dieing repeatedly will remain your only option there I think... I'll try to help you with that =)
  • Back in the day Shadowclan allowed mounts only for Mojokas and they were riding Ostards. So maybe an ethy Ostard would be the solution to your problem.

    The Lord title is only a problem when you're red. If you are blue you can sacrifice your fame and gain points in sacrifice for selfresses...very convenient. Other than that dieing repeatedly will remain your only option there I think... I'll try to help you with that =)
    Har! Me nub gunna makun dat ash eezy fer lat Blaktree!!
  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 234
    edited October 2018
    I second the ostard suggestion. There is an orc on GL who rides one.

    You could also try the ancient hellhound or the tarantula for ethies. Then there are grizzled mares or windrunners and the new undead cat (though those are live) for the "evil" vibe. 
  • I second the ostard suggestion. There is an orc on GL who rides one.

    You could also try the ancient hellhound or the tarantula for ethies. Then there are grizzled mares or windrunners and the new undead cat (though those are live) for the "evil" vibe. 
    Yub, I agree. The only issue being that a lot of the players we are bringing in do not have access to those multi-year veteran rewards. A lot of them are on first year accounts, and won't have much available to them for a long time. Making the Windrunner, or the Undead Cat an ethereal option that you can choose at selection would be awesome. 

    Charger of the Fallen is a great option for the first year hero in need of a mount. What about that first year savage creature who is diving back into Ultima Online as an Orc, or a Vampire, or even as a 1337 PK DeWd? :D 
  • ZogZog Posts: 1
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    They said somewhere (I forget where) that they do not intend to add any more ethys to the store. It would devalue veteran rewards, and they don't want to do that. However, adding an 'evil' mount to 1st or 2nd year vet picks would be awesome!

    I think Sosaria is overdue for a new playable race. I vote Orcs. 
  • I know that they did say that, but everything needs balance. A second vanity Ethy for those who choose to play evil characters would balance out the good guy mount found in the charger.
  • If they have to ride a charger, just say they stole it off their last victim and it didn't taste good enough to eat.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,486
    I can't help feeling you're missing something here. You did notice that darn thing is called the Charger of the Fallen?  Or doesn't 'fallen' signify evil to anyone but me? 
  • Fallen can mean several things, Fallen angel, Fallen Kingdom, Fallen Knight, etc.  Fallen has two meanings in the dictionary, impure loose immoral and then dead, killed, slain . . .    so neither one really signifies evil, just all in how you see it personally.  I have always taken it as Charger of the Fallen "Knight" meaning a Knight slain in battle.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Mene_DrachenfelsMene_Drachenfels Posts: 247
    edited October 2018
    Mounts for Orcs? For Roleplaying? 

    Hm... i would suggest you put them on Cu'sidhes. This are real now strong pets and you could also find etheral statues at higher veteran-reward as 10th year reward.

    As the Cu's once came out I could not stop them to compare with the warg-beasts the orcs are riding in LotR-Films. For roleplaying I think this could be the best solution.

    Orcs on horses or even "amored" horses like the charger - no sorry - this is looking very odd to me and keeps me just eye-rolling;) If it must be an horse than - than i would suggest a Grizzle Mare Statuette (from Bedlem - Peerless Boss) but than only for the elite- Orcs or the chief.
    This horses could also get by necromancy, but I'm not sure if they will bond with you like the normal ones.

    Ostards to my opinion belongs better to Drow-Elves *twinkles* - the darker the color the better - and best here is a black one

    And at last: Try to convice the new designer to create a more evil looking trainable Cu-Statuette - maybe called as Warg or another evil-sounding name - might be possibly that someone higher Gods here listening to your prayings ;).
    (think of the Eowmu ;) - was this not this pet that had been created of a special players wish? )

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

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