Castle conversion requirements

Recent addition to the requirements for the castle conversion stipulates that all the customizations be removed before you can proceed. I have customized my castle heavily in the past. Apart from sheer number of pavers, some of them were placed or raised where they are not visible. Finding every last one of them is near impossible.
I removed everything that I could find in my castle and it still would not convert. What are my options here? I can't find anything else no matter how hard I look.


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    are all the wall pieces removed too?
    you cannot have any vendors, stewards, mannequins
    also I belive you have to axe deeded items

    i did all that and still couldn't find what was stopping it. then i realized there was a few of the small pieces my hubby put up that i just didn't notice. these pieces were what he added to make the edge look smooth all the way across
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    I still have some paintings on the walls, but they are all lock down type. A GM stopped by and removed a couple of left over pavers, and it still does not convert.
  • Don't forget that you can't have any rocks/trees/anything else that would block smaller house placement in the courtyard or under the foundation. This is a major problem for the vast number of us who have castles that were placed before changes in the housing requirements years ago.
    UWF Emissary
    Developer of Ultima Mapper
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    did you look on your house sign? under information it will say if it wont convert
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    MadMartyr said:
    Don't forget that you can't have any rocks/trees/anything else that would block smaller house placement in the courtyard or under the foundation. This is a major problem for the vast number of us who have castles that were placed before changes in the housing requirements years ago.
    There is a new type castle foundation placed on TC1 on exact same spot, so I don't think this is it.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    My castle on Siege says properly placed but not able to convert. All items are gone, however I have a small snow hill on the front of the house, surely to god that's not preventing ?
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  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    I now removed everything that is not a storage container from the castle. My courtyard is clean.
    And after spending many hours of tearing stuff down, I don't even know why this thing would not convert.
    A section of carpet disappeared at one point on the first floor. I assume it dropped through the floor. I have no way to retrieve it and I am guessing it could be the culprit.
    @Kyronix, this is extremely frustrating. Is it possible to somehow address such situation? Either ignore some limited number of customizations, or give more information on why a specific castle does not convert?
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    They obviously had an issue with adding add-on type items to the moving crate due to it exceeding the storage limits.  Perhaps they could consider adding an “identify and delete” option.  Clearly the house knows something is still placed, so rather than try to take it down and store it, it could just delete it?

    Certainly not an option you would use for packing, but in situations where items can’t be found they wouldn’t be missed if they were just deleted?
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited October 2018
    If you can't find an item's object handle when you cntrl-shift (ie a stray granite tile or wall, or goza etc) but you still get the message saying about removing all items then there is still an item you are missing.  You may need to page a gm to remove something you just cant see.  Like I had a goza UNDER the front steps on mine that had no object handle, you couldn't see it or do anything to remove it as it just 'wasn't visible.  The GM moved it instantly. 

    If you aren't getting that message to 'remove' items and your castle is still 'properly placed' again you may need to page a gm. Can't remember what @Garth_Grey 's issue ended up being but it got resolved.

    It can be very frustrating though :)

    Cheers MissE

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  • You might have a tree or rock inside the castle walls. The new fugly castles wont place if there is anything in the castle walls. 
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