Wait Wait Wait...

Weren't we told these were hard coded static imagines that couldn't be adjusted when we wanted to add doors and such from stone crafting? I guess they actually can add customizing to castles if they really wanted too.

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Hmmm are there any players who have trees etc in those areas? Will that be a problem?
  • After watching some of the impossible tasks due to code be done, I have come to the conclusion, as have others, they can do any danged thing they WANT to.  Gold shared shardwide?  Impossible.  Whooomp!  Dere it is!  Fooling with the static housing code?  Never gonna happen.  Ooops...  Turnin points shared by all chars on a shard?  no way.  Oh wait, here's a ticket system to let you do just that!

    I really feel at this point, most of these "can't be done" things are self imposed...
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    Or maybe it just takes time to figure out HOW to get those things done, using a very old code that how many hands have been on? Remember the blessed bacon fiasco?? Type the wrong thing in the wrong program and you might lose a house! I commend the team on doing the impossible, and then some....(Though I have to say, this gumshoe quest? WORST QUEST EVER.....sorry Kyronix, you know I'm one of the first ones to wave my pom poms but this quest was a disaster)

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    It was quite refreshing to see you say that Larisa...thank you :-)
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    It was quite refreshing to see you say that Larisa...thank you :-)
    LOL well yeah you know if I say it, it has to be bad right?

    Okay so...I'm usually also the first one to say *Give constructive feedback, don't just say it sucks, tell us why*

    Okay so let me see if I can do that...

    Now I get that you wanted to make it a little harder...we usually figure stuff out the very first day something comes out and you wanted to draw it out a little..I get that! But this was not the way to do it...first off lets go by what Kyronix said in the other thread...everything you need to figure it out is there...so lets just use one example...the scene at Brit Cemetery....

    We see a funeral, 4 mourners, a gravedigger and some graves...we figure out (By reading the book we get from Jasper) that we probably have to use Detect and Foresnic Eval..okay easy...so we talk to the gravedigger, find out some graves have been messed with, search the graves and find one that has been damaged...using forensics lets us see the original inscription..

    Okay so now we have a guys name, 4 cities and a cryptic message..In Death Find Eternal Slumber.

    The key to the trap door is Boreas...so I looked it up...

    BOREAS was the purple-winged god of the north wind, one of the four seasonal Anemoi (Wind-Gods). He was also the god of winter who swept down from the cold mountains of Thrake (Thrace), chilling the air with his icy breath.


    Boreas may refer to:

    What does ANY of that have to to with Ultima??? HOW in the world are we supposed to come up with BOREAS from ANY of the things found in the cemetery??

    Dear, dear Kyronix...PLEASE explain how your mind works!! 

  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    edited September 2018
    They said we would see parts of the elementals again.  Maybe this was referencing last years wind ele...did the other 3 perhaps have anything to do with Fire, earth, etc etc?  But even so, that wouldnt help in the quest...just a loose tie-in

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    This was my main grief point, the britain graveyard should have held all of the clues for entering the trap door in THAT GRAVEYARD...I need one of the code breaking elites to explain how they came up with boreas, just a simple explanation.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    They said we would see parts of the elementals again.  Maybe this was referencing last years wind ele...did the other 3 perhaps have anything to do with Fire, earth, etc etc?  But even so, that wouldnt help in the quest...just a loose tie-in

    If so, that would make sense...couldn't find a solid definition for Carthax, Moriens means decaying or withering,Tenebrae is the term used for the 3 Holy Days before Easter celebrated by christians :/ 

    Web results

    Tenebrae - Wikipedia

    Tenebrae (/ˈtɛnəbreɪ, -bri/—Latin for "darkness") is a religious service of Western Christianity held during the three days preceding Easter, and characterized by gradual extinguishing of candles, and by a "strepitus" or "loud noise" taking place in total darkness near the end of the service.

    So NONE of the clues make a bit of sense...at all.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919

    I think you were looking at the wrong clues.

    The main clues are: character count, righteous, shifty character.  Which leads to shift characters to the right by a certain count.  The hard part is determining the count.  Personally I just brute forced it.

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    Character count....MY character? The NPC Characters at the funeral? The number of characters on the shard? There's nothing remotely Ultima in any of that.....if he wanted us to use a cipher, the clues needed to be a bit more....helpful? In letting us know that....very vague and very un-Ultima....something..ANYTHING related to the game should have been put in there....somehow....for those of us who have NO STINKIN clue about ciphers or what shifting characters even means....you know? We are all not Inspector Gadget :/ 

  • *Pushes people towards the door* Ok you people, outta my thread! Out!
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • *is hiding behind the drapes*
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    edited September 2018
    Weren't we told these were hard coded static imagines that couldn't be adjusted when we wanted to add doors and such from stone crafting? I guess they actually can add customizing to castles if they really wanted too.

    The actual static cannot be changed once it is in game.  What will happen in a future publish is an alternate version with access available to the areas you currently cannot access.  In order to do that, the entirety of the footprint needs to be checked for valid conversion, hence the change here.

    After watching some of the impossible tasks due to code be done, I have come to the conclusion, as have others, they can do any danged thing they WANT to.  Gold shared shardwide?  Impossible.  Whooomp!  Dere it is!  Fooling with the static housing code?  Never gonna happen.  Ooops...  Turnin points shared by all chars on a shard?  no way.  Oh wait, here's a ticket system to let you do just that!

    I really feel at this point, most of these "can't be done" things are self imposed...
    When players make requests it often takes a bit of investigation to determine the feasibility of making those changes as it relates to performance, return on time investment, available technology, and so on.  Nothing is really "impossible" and I, at least, am pretty careful about using that word.  Improbably or impractical are probably more accurate terms.  What I find is that when players offer well reasoned and respectful feedback or requests, we try to act on it as best we can, and if we can't immediately, put it on the schedule for the future.  When feedback comes at us from a place of sarcasm, hysterics, and shade - it makes it pretty difficult to want to sort through that to find actionable items.

    Larisa said:
    (Though I have to say, this gumshoe quest? WORST QUEST EVER.....sorry Kyronix, you know I'm one of the first ones to wave my pom poms but this quest was a disaster)
    Larisa said:
    Dear, dear Kyronix...PLEASE explain how your mind works!! 
    Given the entirety of the quest was solved roughly 24 hours after it went active, and a full guide was available shortly after that, the quest went as about how I expected.  As far as explaining the clues, and how this all played out I'd be happy to do a post-mortem write up when some additional time has passed after Publish 101 went live.  I also don't want to hijack this thread to make it about the quest, so I'd encourage replies and comments in other threads more suited to the topic
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    Can't wait for the write-up! Can maybe you have one of your lovely Mods do a cut and paste and create a thread just for this as I don't want to hijack this thread any more then it has been either!

  • Kyronix said:
    Weren't we told these were hard coded static imagines that couldn't be adjusted when we wanted to add doors and such from stone crafting? I guess they actually can add customizing to castles if they really wanted too.

    The actual static cannot be changed once it is in game.  What will happen in a future publish is an alternate version with access available to the areas you currently cannot access.  In order to do that, the entirety of the footprint needs to be checked for valid conversion, hence the change here.

    After watching some of the impossible tasks due to code be done, I have come to the conclusion, as have others, they can do any danged thing they WANT to.  Gold shared shardwide?  Impossible.  Whooomp!  Dere it is!  Fooling with the static housing code?  Never gonna happen.  Ooops...  Turnin points shared by all chars on a shard?  no way.  Oh wait, here's a ticket system to let you do just that!

    I really feel at this point, most of these "can't be done" things are self imposed...
    When players make requests it often takes a bit of investigation to determine the feasibility of making those changes as it relates to performance, return on time investment, available technology, and so on.  Nothing is really "impossible" and I, at least, am pretty careful about using that word.  Improbably or impractical are probably more accurate terms.  What I find is that when players offer well reasoned and respectful feedback or requests, we try to act on it as best we can, and if we can't immediately, put it on the schedule for the future.  When feedback comes at us from a place of sarcasm, hysterics, and shade - it makes it pretty difficult to want to sort through that to find actionable items.

    Larisa said:
    (Though I have to say, this gumshoe quest? WORST QUEST EVER.....sorry Kyronix, you know I'm one of the first ones to wave my pom poms but this quest was a disaster)
    Larisa said:
    Dear, dear Kyronix...PLEASE explain how your mind works!! 
    Given the entirety of the quest was solved roughly 24 hours after it went active, and a full guide was available shortly after that, the quest went as about how I expected.  As far as explaining the clues, and how this all played out I'd be happy to do a post-mortem write up when some additional time has passed after Publish 101 went live.  I also don't want to hijack this thread to make it about the quest, so I'd encourage replies and comments in other threads more suited to the topic
    So what's the current excuse for not having "customizable" castles?
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    edited September 2018
  • Larisa said:
    I was looking for a valid reason *smiles*
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • XareXare Posts: 124
    Larisa said:
    I was looking for a valid reason *smiles*
    Just because you don't like a reason doesn't make it any less valid. 

    I've got a computer that can run most modern games fine, but UO is such a jumbled mess of code that it even slows me down.

    Either accept the reason, or leave.  Either way, you have an answer.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    I feel it can be done as well 

    and I’m not leaving completely just yet
  • Xare said:
    Larisa said:
    I was looking for a valid reason *smiles*
    Just because you don't like a reason doesn't make it any less valid. 

    I've got a computer that can run most modern games fine, but UO is such a jumbled mess of code that it even slows me down.

    Either accept the reason, or leave.  Either way, you have an answer.
    My reply is somewhere between no and never. Kyronix on one hand says that "nothing is really impossible" which leaves the fact that it's ok to be completely unfair to castle owners. That is unacceptable. This lag issue is a joke. I have zero lag and if you need a new computer you should get one. If your ISP sucks I'd replace them too. Running around the general housing areas of the map I have zero lag problems. So people with problems need to upgrade their equipment or get it working. My computer was well under a grand even after upgrading the power supply and video card etc so I don't know what to tell you if your having problems. If your buying off the shelf do your home work and start with a great processor. You can build from there. If your using a laptop what did you expect? lol
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    edited September 2018
    I have no problem at all with lag...I do need to upgrade to a floppy drive tho

    Image result for commodore 64 pictures
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919

    I still have my floppy drive.  Can't find my tape drive.  It might not have survived when my parents retired and moved 20+ years ago.

  • XareXare Posts: 124
    Xare said:
    Larisa said:
    I was looking for a valid reason *smiles*
    Just because you don't like a reason doesn't make it any less valid. 

    I've got a computer that can run most modern games fine, but UO is such a jumbled mess of code that it even slows me down.

    Either accept the reason, or leave.  Either way, you have an answer.
    My reply is somewhere between no and never. Kyronix on one hand says that "nothing is really impossible" which leaves the fact that it's ok to be completely unfair to castle owners. That is unacceptable. This lag issue is a joke. I have zero lag and if you need a new computer you should get one. If your ISP sucks I'd replace them too. Running around the general housing areas of the map I have zero lag problems. So people with problems need to upgrade their equipment or get it working. My computer was well under a grand even after upgrading the power supply and video card etc so I don't know what to tell you if your having problems. If your buying off the shelf do your home work and start with a great processor. You can build from there. If your using a laptop what did you expect? lol
    So, my computer sucks.  Ignore the fact that is runs pretty much any other game without a problem.  Or that I have UO installed on the SSD.  Good to know. 

    Oh my ISP sucks too.  Well they do, but my speedtests are generally over 100 Mbps, well exceeding what's need for this game.

    Its been stated that the trade-off is not currently acceptable.  Not that it was impossible.  Deal with it.  If it is SO unacceptable, then speak with your wallet and cancel.
  • Captain_LuckyCaptain_Lucky Posts: 556
    edited September 2018
    Xare said:
    Xare said:
    Larisa said:
    I was looking for a valid reason *smiles*
    Just because you don't like a reason doesn't make it any less valid. 

    I've got a computer that can run most modern games fine, but UO is such a jumbled mess of code that it even slows me down.

    Either accept the reason, or leave.  Either way, you have an answer.
    My reply is somewhere between no and never. Kyronix on one hand says that "nothing is really impossible" which leaves the fact that it's ok to be completely unfair to castle owners. That is unacceptable. This lag issue is a joke. I have zero lag and if you need a new computer you should get one. If your ISP sucks I'd replace them too. Running around the general housing areas of the map I have zero lag problems. So people with problems need to upgrade their equipment or get it working. My computer was well under a grand even after upgrading the power supply and video card etc so I don't know what to tell you if your having problems. If your buying off the shelf do your home work and start with a great processor. You can build from there. If your using a laptop what did you expect? lol
    So, my computer sucks.  Ignore the fact that is runs pretty much any other game without a problem.  Or that I have UO installed on the SSD.  Good to know. 

    Oh my ISP sucks too.  Well they do, but my speedtests are generally over 100 Mbps, well exceeding what's need for this game.

    Its been stated that the trade-off is not currently acceptable.  Not that it was impossible.  Deal with it.  If it is SO unacceptable, then speak with your wallet and cancel.
    I don't find it a mature statement to say like it or quit. I don't want anyone to quit UO even if i secretly hate them or strongly disagree with them. But moving on... there's only 2 factors to lag. Either your isp or your processor. Pretty much. I have zero lag so it's gotta be something if you experience lag. Is that a reasonable statement? Speed has never been an issue in modern times. It's always packet loss and that might be something to look at. I had WOW internet for a month and was routinely disconnected from UO ever 15 minutes. Went back to Comcast (who I think are a major rip off but have great service) and that never happened again. I had lag spikes happen to me and my ISP couldn't see any problem on their end. They finally sent a guy out and when he unscrewed the outside coax water poured out of the main drop forever. Needless to say after that repair things have been peachy. So take it as some sort of insult or someone honestly trying to help you out as you will. I'm just offering suggestion and maybe your computer does suck. I don't know. What processor do you have? I know mine just took a big hit for a security issue that effected a huge amount of people. But even with that I'm all good. Maybe I should play another game, I could be a God, lol, since I run UO flawlessly.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • XareXare Posts: 124
    I'm sorry, but was it mature to dismiss the developer who gave you an answer you didn't like?  Not only dismiss, but to do it in an extremely insulting manner?

    Just because your computer can handle it doesn't mean everyone's can.  And upgrade is not a valid response for all people, all things considered.

    You were given an answer that the trade-off is not acceptable at this time.  Why are you still beleaguering the topic?
  • Captain_LuckyCaptain_Lucky Posts: 556
    edited September 2018
    Well heaven forbid people "beleaguer" topics FAR less important as this one. Where's are those Phoenix and Gypsy Wagon fellas? *grin* This is UO, You gotta have thick skin to be anyway related with UO veteran in any form lol. It's a tradition no body involved with UO gets an easy pass on anything. You want to buy a box of cigars? UO runs the toughest crew on the planet, we're brutal to everyone lol. But I strongly disagree I was in any way insulting to anyone. Because we disagree doesn't make it insulting. If a computer is dated or not doesn't effect the way the game runs. We can't live in 1997 just because a few aren't interested in staying current. We could find a 1997 computer to run UO, which came out that year, and I don't think it would do well if even run UO. But that doesn't mean UO should stagnate. I have heard the response, from the team, and personally I find that isn't valid. Especially in light the coding has already been done and I believe Kyronix when he says if there was the motivation they got the skills. And I believe that. I don't find that insulting to anyone and just because you might disagree with me does not make my statement insulting. I feel this is a wrong decision by persons with the ability to make decisions who has  a long stated grievance with castles. I could document that but I don't feel the need to. We got black dye tubs, It was an exploit and EA was MAD. But finally cooler reasonable heads prevailed and they said "Screw it! Wear black shoes!". The community loved it and supported it. Sometimes one should put their personal feelings aside, for the good of the game,  and give the people what they want. Even if one isn't fond of it. Those are the great ones we'll always remember. The work has already been done and tested. Test center didn't lag out or crash or anything else as a result.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • XareXare Posts: 124
    I believe there was an extended discussion regarding people crashing on TC while designing a house.

    I'll accept you at face value that you didn't mean to be insulting.  My apologies for imparting that feeling into your text.

    Can we get rid of the CC now?
  • Xare said:
    I believe there was an extended discussion regarding people crashing on TC while designing a house.

    I'll accept you at face value that you didn't mean to be insulting.  My apologies for imparting that feeling into your text.

    Can we get rid of the CC now?

    Absolutely totally love the CC. I totally regret if my responses seemed inappropriate. Not my intent. But I'm sure we could mix it up over something. I don't want to give hugs or anything *grin* Yeah if they dropped the CC I would *probably* find it necessary to comment lol.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Yeah losing the CC will lose 4 accounts, for sure.
  • The TC crashing was related to the tool , so the crashing was as bad out on the shards. I had as much trouble on Europa as on TC. It was insane. 
    I also have the answer to where the phoenix fella went. To a new game hes beta testing . He also happened to have a tree in his courtyard  and that was the final straw. He gave me the task to distribute his belongingss among the helpers of new and returning players on Europa. The WBB banksitting group . The hardest working of us all, Gauge, now has a castle with a tree in the courtyard. So he was  a good guy, We will remember that if..or when.he returns!
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