Vendor search misbehaving after patch

ShandaraShandara Posts: 34
This is what I have noticed so far on Great Lakes.  Using Vendor Search, "Bulk Order Book" gives me the option to click next page, there is more than one page of items for sale.  Then looked up "Clothing Bless Deed" and "Shadow Runic" both which definitely have more than five items for sale, no button is there to click on.  I did confirm that there is more than on page by toggling "low to high" then "high to low" in the search criteria.  


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    Not a new thing.  You always have had to search both ways to see everything if there are more than the items that would make all the pages FULL.

    However, I also think this is a bug and should be fixed.

    The issue is:

    The vendor search will not show the last page of a multiple page search if that last page is not full.
    It will not show a partial last page.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MiskMisk Posts: 61Dev
    I have confirmed this issue, submitted a problem report into the system and added it to the list of bugs for potential Publish 100 fixes.
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