Converting Castles/Keep Question (unable to test)
I wanted to test this on TC, but 1 transfer a day per account x 2 m gold, it would still take me a while.
When you convert your castle or keep, I would assume you cannot convert it back?
After the conversion is the menu option to convert removed? If it isn't, do you have to pay the full cost to change to a different design?
If you convert then redeed the castle, are you refunded the money?
I wanted to test this on TC, but 1 transfer a day per account x 2 m gold, it would still take me a while.
When you convert your castle or keep, I would assume you cannot convert it back?
After the conversion is the menu option to convert removed? If it isn't, do you have to pay the full cost to change to a different design?
If you convert then redeed the castle, are you refunded the money?
This is just a guess Violet, but I bet that every time you convert, you have to pay the conversion fee.
I also suspect that when you take down a converted castle, you are refunded the cost of the base castle plot, but not the conversion fee.
If this is actually working as a gold sink.
If you get refunded the conversion fee, than that isn't a gold sink at all, as the gold wouldn't be removed from the economy.
I would transfer and help, but I'm in almost the same boat you are gold wise. If Petra has enough for a keep conversion, she's got me beat by like 10x.
Is there a "luxury tax" on a converted castle/keep when you transfer ownership?
To answer one of the questions, you Are still able to access the convert menu but apparently there is a 24 hour cooldown to use it, so he was unable to test it further today. Stay tuned for tomorrow!