Loot outside Shadowguard
Why is the loot so bad across Britannia? It doesn't matter where you farm... Peerless, Champs, Treasure Maps, Doom. Even with a 3k+ luck, monster loot is absolute garbage.
Is loot intentionally being throttled back to thrust the playerbase into Shadowguard?
Yes, yes it is. In one thread where we were complaining about did Tmap loot get nerfed, Kyronix admitted that they "adjust" loot tables to encourage players to do the new stuff. So to have good stuff, you cannot do what you like, you must follow the carrot.
And no, I am not gonna spend the morning trying to find that quote...I'm sure others read it as well
Was no different with SA, but at least the content there was good (underworld, ter-mur, mysticism, etc.)
So many of us said, even back then, we don't need another land mass. We NEED QoL improvements, even if they lumped them all into one big pub and sold it to us for $5. Eodon, another landmass to thin the population further, and another big huge grind. Fix what we have already, and quit adding, fer cryin out loud.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
That being said, the overall loot/item acquisition loop is something we often discuss and hope to address in a future publish/series of publishes.
"Kyronix - We can take another look at it, but you also have to understand that one area isn't going to deliver the best loot forever.
Running Bear: Did you intent to change it? Or did the change in 86.3 cause it unintended.
Kyronix - The game is constantly evolving, and we adjust the loot accordingly to entice exploration of new content, we did not deliberatly change"
From here:
Too bad the changes are always on the reduction side.
Kyronix - The game is constantly evolving, and we adjust the loot accordingly to entice exploration of new content, we did not deliberatly change"
Or was it an accident?
Edit it to add: note this doesn’t apply to changes made between first release of items, and subsequent replica versions.
Make us some good stuff for the anniversary and Halloween and we will be happy.
The spell books were great. I use some bane bows. Composite banes would be nice. Some usable armor from the invasions. Stuff we can use.
More stuff to buy from the Halloween Dungeon. Deco items, boots, shirt with stats!, new ring, whatever.
as they are now it’s pointless unless your bored or want a new dragon.
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
I disagree. T-chests already drop a ridiculous amount of artifacts.
Seeing level 5 and 6 SOS's would be nice, but you'd need a newer more difficult spawn for the higher level.