archery and parry

if i am an archer will having parry benefit me at all ?
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • RockRock Posts: 567
    I don't believe so.  Here is the first paragraph from the official Parry skill page:
    The Parrying and Bushido skills are checked during combat to determine whether an attack can be fully blocked. Melee and archery attacks can be fully parried if the defender is using a Shield or Melee weapon.
    Note that it specifically states "Melee weapon" at the end.  A player with the Throwing skill can wield a shield, so Parry could help him, but Archery is a 2-handed skill, so no shield.

    That said, some archers do take Bushido.  In that case it is not for its buffing of Parry and its stances.  Instead, Bushido could benefit an archer with its Honor/Perfection mechanic and its Lightning Strike and Honorable Execution attacks.  This is also sufficient skill to allow use of the Yumi's secondary special move, Double Shot. If these are why an archer takes it, then 60-80 skill points of Bushido should be plenty.

    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • While bushido makes sense on some archer templates I doubt that anyone has ever found a good use for honorary execution. It's a killing move so the benefits of said move are rather useless because the monster is dead, the downside when failing to kill said monster far outweigh any benefits though and I really wouldn't recommend using that move to anyone.
  • to answer the parry question: no it won't benefit you as an archer concerning actual parry chance. It will however count towards your total points for reduced special moves cost and thus can provide a certain benefit. The question is though if there might not be other skills that also count towards that total and have additional benefits for an archer
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    to answer the parry question: no it won't benefit you as an archer concerning actual parry chance. It will however count towards your total points for reduced special moves cost and thus can provide a certain benefit. The question is though if there might not be other skills that also count towards that total and have additional benefits for an archer
    and since  i am the total noob what would those other skills be ? Tactics? and ??
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • no tactics will not help you there.

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