Castle & Keep Contest Rules

MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
Before the contest closes, here's a reminder of the rules as listed in the gump from the stone at Brit commons

Players will be able to create a 3-story custom Castle or Keep.
After placing the Castle or Keep plot the house must be set to public access to enter the contest. Using the customization page, a player will be able to toggle your house entry into the contest during the sign-up period.
Players are allowed one entry per account. No lockdown or secure items can be used in the design.
The sign-up/design period will last two weeks then transition into the voting period.
The voting Period will last one week in which active accounts will be able to vote on the submitted houses.
Once the voting period has completed the house design winners will be selected and ranked.


  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Thanks Mariah. Do we have any dates yet for the beginning/end of each phase? Also a few people have reported that the same owners have multiple plots, so how will only one of their designs be entered and which one will it be? Are the castle and keep contests separate or do we only get to vote for one or the other? I have a lot of questions, sorry!  :)
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    I'm sorry I don't currently have answers to those questions.
    However I will point out that if a player has 5 accounts and creates one character on each account with the same name on test center, they may appear to have multiple plots, but still one per account.
    I don't know whether multiple plots have been posted by the same character, only that you can't tell just by the name of the placing character.

    As an example, I have seen a plot placed by a character named Mariah. Anyone assuming that plot belongs to me would be mistaken.
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I agree with all you've said, but I have spoken to people who said they have placed multiple plots with one character and others who placed multiple plots with characters on the same account. 
    In these cases I just wonder how anyone will know if people make multiple entries on the same account. As you say, we can't just go by the name. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    Players can't, I am trusting that the game can.

  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Let's hope so! Has the crashing problem in the CC been fixed yet?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    I don't think so. this post on Friday includes reference to crashes

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Mariah I place 2 Keep plots with the same char, 1 in Tram and 1 in Malas, and neither were condemned.  I did go back and delete the one in Tram but the system did allow me to place 2 plots.
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    Were the listed rules say "No lockdown or secure items can be used in the design." That includes items from deeds to like "Hearth of the Home fire" I assume ?
  • MandrakeMandrake Posts: 61
    Hope player made stairs works... I made L-shaped stairs.
  • Mariah said:
    No lockdown or secure items can be used in the design.
    Will this include ladders? There are ladders in current classic house styles. I think they are an important design element not in the customization tool. I've placed teleporters under my ladders just in case but would love a solid answer on this.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    it says 3 story custom keep or castle. Does this mean that the ones who worked on the 4th floor will be out? I did part of the 4th floor but it doesn't go to all of the outside walls, nor is it the tall walls, just edging...
  • AQHFAQHF Posts: 47
    I think the fourth floor is the roof, so you are fine. It is the same as an 18x18 being considered a 3-story house.
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    In case anyone hasn't noticed they clarified it on the UO homepage. :)
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    So is there going to be a hub that we go to to get to all these plots and if so where is it going to be.
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    The stone at Brit Commons with the rules on it, I think it's turned on later today, but I'm not great with time zones!
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    edited August 2018
    For the help of those not in the ET time zone:
    4:05:03 PM ET equals 1:05:03PM US West Coast, 9:05:03PM UK, 10:05:03PM France, 11:05:03PM Moscow,  4:05:03AM Thursday Perth

  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Thank you Mariah!  :)
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Where is Brit Commons  Is that the new Vault place
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Yes the little plaza where the clickies are for seasonal promotion items.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited August 2018
    WOW 300 houses

  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    Vote for 141
  • Maximus_NeximusMaximus_Neximus Posts: 380
    edited August 2018
    Is it possible to lower the timer between gating to a new house? Sometimes I go to a house and quickly know it isn't the one for me. Then, I have to sit and wait a couple minutes for a timer before I can visit another. This is going to make visiting 300 homes very timely, if not impossible, due to not having enough playtime.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Yes take the timer away.  I get failure to gate and the timer starts.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I agree the timer is annoying, you can tell very quickly if a castle is on your favourites list or not.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Would have been nice if they just made a rune book type thing that we could just take with us without going back every time and YES do away with the cool down timer
  • Recall would be much better than gating ;)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    They need to put in another 10 stones spaced apart so you can actually get to the darn thing, by the time 10 gates are open around that one stone it is next to impossible to find a space.  @Kyronix you need to improve this if you want it to be fair that people can make it through 300 houses in a week.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    Or people could have the common curtesy to click the stone then take a couple of steps away before triggering the gate.
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Hmm a good display of design and craft space. #114
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Oh the number of red gates that were opened on top of me, I can't even count, so many people squashed together! Chaos! 
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