Illegal Object! House not legal, not comitting!

And there is nothing orange , the house has been comitted many times the last week . I just wanted to change it and now i spent 4-5 hours trying everyting removing things, calling EM , waited..tried again..asked around ..she crash ofcourse as usual or i can disconnect her but when she goes back in costum mode she cant commit whatever I do. So shes stuck in a messy building :( Others had the same prob reported on the other forum  , some solved it by removing bannisters that wasnt orange.. some not.  I need help to sort my place and we all need the orange colour on all illegal objects please!


  • Minerva_FoxgloveMinerva_Foxglove Posts: 245
    edited August 2018
    Ok, after talking to Petra that  suggested me to revert to last time i backed up and try from there,   I removed the floor i didnt want on the front side ..with bannisters ..called low walls in the masonry gump, and sure enough it was a small bannister piece behnd a wall  totally hidden and not orange that became not supported when i took down the rest. I had to remove a wall to see it at all !  So its the fact that thoose pieces dont turn orange as  all other pieces do.. that causes  me and others so much trouble!

    Thanks Petra , for leading me trough it, I was just too exhausted by now to figure anything out. <3
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    That's what friends are for!  o:)
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