A Suggestion on Castle Design

I Finally took the time to go over to test shard and look at some of the Designs and just wanted to say.

There are some really great designs and I am going to have a hard time deciding who to vote for let alone which winner I'm going to switch my "home" to.

But I would like to remind all the entrees that doors can be added to a "classic house" they can not be removed.  The first thing to be customize on a present castle is to set up a way to get in with out opening 3 doors ( ladder on the front steps etc. ) so I don't think I'm alone in my opinion. Some of the great designs I saw would have lost my vote just because of all the doors. They looked good but having to stop and open them just to move around my castle no. I and I hope everyone else will be voting for the castle I want to "live" in.

But still great work and I just wish I had near the talent I saw on display. (thumbs up emoji)


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,666
    They need doors for Fel.  So they can discuss their plans to conquer UO in private.

    Ill have to change my arches to doors.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    My design has no doors and doors (or secret doors/stone doors) can be added by the player themselves. I have seen a few designs with this and one other person verbally say they have done the same...leave the door frames open. my house, if they keep the name we have on it, says "left door frames open you can put your own style doors" :D

    For the fel issue, I added one teleporter for the run and hit need.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Are teleporters going to be allowed in the new designs?  Very little info on what is or is not allowed
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    How about if the design uses parts from one of the add on packs ( Rustic theme pack.... ) and the player wanting to place the winning design doesn't have it?
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Tim said:
    How about if the design uses parts from one of the add on packs ( Rustic theme pack.... ) and the player wanting to place the winning design doesn't have it?

    I thought about that too, I see one home use that tile set and although it is AMAZING! I am hoping the people who try to choose that don't need that.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Lets have a contest but we aren't going to tell you the rules.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Tim said:
    I Finally took the time to go over to test shard and look at some of the Designs and just wanted to say.

    There are some really great designs and I am going to have a hard time deciding who to vote for let alone which winner I'm going to switch my "home" to.

    But I would like to remind all the entrees that doors can be added to a "classic house" they can not be removed.  The first thing to be customize on a present castle is to set up a way to get in with out opening 3 doors ( ladder on the front steps etc. ) so I don't think I'm alone in my opinion. Some of the great designs I saw would have lost my vote just because of all the doors. They looked good but having to stop and open them just to move around my castle no. I and I hope everyone else will be voting for the castle I want to "live" in.

    But still great work and I just wish I had near the talent I saw on display. (thumbs up emoji)

    I agree, a lot of the ones I have been in seem to want to put in walls and doors and stuff that I just don't want.  Some seem so full of tiny rooms that just make me wanna rip my hair out! With masonry we can add our own walls and doors if the places are designed in materials that can be complimented to it. 

    I have done a Castle and Keep concentrating on the outside look and built of materials that will compliment the stone able to be crafted on the inside to allow players the options to customise the internal layout, other than staircases and 'fixtures' to keep the integrity of the design in place.  My Castle and Keep are located here: 
    Please check em out :).

    Not sure how the voting is supposed to happen, as I don't 'know' that many people nor if they are gonna select a certain amount of Castles and Keeps (ie x amount of each) or how it is intended to operate. Information on this is a bit scarce.  Note, they are both nearly done, although I may still may make minor modifcations lol.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Winning isn't everything- I just want lighter walls, grande staircase and a side yard
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    Queen I really like your house. Can we have the chopped stairs?
  • dunno- im pretty sure the model that wins wont be exactly to the tee in game

  • This is Raina Cold Eyes Castle & Keep entries, she uses all the spaces so its open an airy
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2018
    frontages on mine:  The Spires: Castle Left, The Spires: Keep Right

    Inside the spaces are pretty open for customisation

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Just as an example in my castle the ground floor entry looks pretty cavernous and empty, so I just did a deco 'mock up'  from other houses of mine by cutting and pasting to give an example of how 'open' can be done once it has stuff in it.  Obviously if I was deco'ing this in reality it would be a thousand times better as the rooms and stuff I copied from were dif size/shape etc, plus having more room to add walls/doors etc would be fantastic, but I think it gives  you an idea of what is possible with 'open' designs where you can add your own internals.  So eg



    In reality I would do proper walls and doors where I wanted em, stick in a nice carpet runner etc etc, and obviously the rooms would'nt be anywhere near what is there but I guess it is just to get you thinking about more 'open' spaces rather than forcing everyone to have the rooms that you may like.  :) 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
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