Castle and Keep Customization Opinion of 1997 Vet

I have played this game off and on since the day it was released. Your releasing the ability for new Castle / Keep Design. In spite of Ultima Online's Age, many servers are obviously still severely over crowded by Castles and Keeps. Youve made this game free to play. So open up the remaining areas such as Malas or Tukuno for Castles and Keeps. When you keep Castles and Keeps exclusive to the original servers you are making a monopoly for the websites that sell items so they can place a Castle and Keep and basically force a player to pay an outrageous amount of CASH for a 20 year old game that has consistently not listened to the player base. 
  1. Agree1 vote
    1. Yes
    2. YES
  2. Disagree1 vote
    1. No
    2. Hell No


  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited August 2018
    The gold sellers are running half of the official UO by now and Broadsword has not shown any interest in curbing it. Good luck with that.

    I voted YES though since your suggestion would level the playing field a bit more. I just can't see anything but this discussion coming from it..
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    The only shard where Castles/Keeps go for an outrages price is Atl on most other shards they are passed on to other players for FREE.  Just because those sites say they will sell you a Castle for $ does not mean they are selling them.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    On Origin there are so many open Castle spots both Fel and Tram That being said i prefer to Live in Tokuno ....
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Not technically true.
    I've had numerous castles over the years on Europa, some I've bought and sold and some I've been able to place (they were happy days)
    The one I have now I placed with the housing tool, you just gotta be lucky.
    People come and go all the time and it seems the "real estate brokers" are now only interested in Atlantic.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    A few comments.

    When they released Malas they were holding back ground for housing later. Now a decade later Im surprised that all this ground has not been released, like the intention. That being said, I dont think its need for it on most shards. But for a shard like ATL, should have been done long ago.

    Since you mentioned "20 yrd old game", anyone remember how many castles there were 20years ago?  I think you could count max 5 on each shard and maybe 20 Keeps.  Now 20 years later run around and do the math again, youll be amazed :D

  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    wasn't room to swing a cat back then, let alone place a Castle. Small marble workshops everywhere :D 
  • The word behind that, it is that Malas is already super lag with all the custom 1818's and that by allowing Keeps and castles, would crash the servers.

    IMHO, I think what they should do is letting 18x18's have the same amount of storage as castles, by all mean, want to make money on us, sell something called "Castle storage package" that will be account bound. I hate the castles designs, they are useless in my opinion, specially keep, I prefer a side by side 18x18.
    I think the smart solution without breaking any server or anything would be if OSI sell storage package that would allow ANY house size to have castle storage.

  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    Slayvite said:
    wasn't room to swing a cat back then, let alone place a Castle. Small marble workshops everywhere :D 

    we didn't have sm marble workshops
  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    They should open up malas to more housing but still limit the sizes to customizable keep size plots.  Along with upping storage to castle type.

    Castle size plots are just way to big to have and limits anyone having one unless rich,  extremely lucky or plays on a dead shard. 

    Fixing the loading problems with lots of housing in an area should be something higher on the list of things to fix. 

    Like my house shouldn't be a cause of slow down since I'm always there. Same with houses I'm always at. 
  • caglecagle Posts: 30
    After reading all of this. 
    1. NOT Technically true. I disagree over this weekend I wandered Great Lakes Trammel and Felucca. There are Castles and Keeps and Towers every couple of steps. There are a few spots you can get 18X18.
    2. Malas having lag. I must disagree with this as well. I did treasure hunts all weekend as well. I never experienced any severe lag except when attending the event Sunday night. However I build my PC's and they are specific for gaming.
    3. Just because Atlantic is the popular shard doesn't make it the end all be all. 
    4. Computer technology today from 20 years ago is not a justifiable excuse to keep Malas or other locations locked. Today's machines can easily handle the traffic and loads Ultima creates. 
    5. Reading about the castle and keep designs on Test center show you've got developers who simply are not familiar enough with Ultima code or are incompetent.(That is not to say the do not care or aren't trying) As in my brief reviews they had comments about problems with storage on TC1 or problems with designs from Developers.
      The bottom line here is the game is a sinking ship when you take it to free to play that is the last ditch effort to keep it alive. Star Trek went free to play and it does well. Ultima absolute biggest problem is and has been Developers REFUSE to do what the mass players want. The boards are over run 20 years of please do this and please do that. Yet it rarely ever happens 

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @cagle you bring up some valid points but as far as doing what people on the forums want all the time is a big NO for the simple reason that the forum is not the majority of the player base.  And if by your reasoning then PvP would be consensual and PSs would be in both Tram and Fel.  There are fewer PvPers than Castle owners but they are catered to over the majority of the player base all the time.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018
     Bilbo said:
    @ cagle you bring up some valid points but as far as doing what people on the forums want all the time is a big NO for the simple reason that the forum is not the majority of the player base.  And if by your reasoning then PvP would be consensual and PSs would be in both Tram and Fel.  There are fewer PvPers than Castle owners but they are catered to over the majority of the player base all the time.

    Off Topic much? Focus on your Castle Building...

    A lie repeated 1,000 times is still a lie.


    WTS Castle in unblocked location. :#

    {Looking to downsize - a disciplined PvPer obviously doesn't need a castle}. :D  

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Cookie said:
     Bilbo said:
    @ cagle you bring up some valid points but as far as doing what people on the forums want all the time is a big NO for the simple reason that the forum is not the majority of the player base.  And if by your reasoning then PvP would be consensual and PSs would be in both Tram and Fel.  There are fewer PvPers than Castle owners but they are catered to over the majority of the player base all the time.

    Off Topic much? Focus on your Castle Building...

    A lie repeated 1,000 times is still a lie.


    WTS Castle in unblocked location. :#

    {Looking to downsize - a disciplined PvPer obviously doesn't need a castle}. :D  

    OMG you so funny.  The biggest minority in UO is the PKers (so called PVPers).  Now go take off your rose colored glasses and join the real world.  And we know you lie to yourself 1000 a day to to believe that there are what more than 12 of you left in UO.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Bilbo said:

    OMG you so funny.  The biggest minority in UO is the PKers (so called PVPers).  
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018
     Bilbo said:
    OMG you so funny.  The biggest minority in UO is the PKers (so called PVPers).  Now go take off your rose colored glasses and join the real world.  And we know you lie to yourself 1000 a day to to believe that there are what more than 12 of you left in UO.

    Wish I could show you a screenshot from our Discord last night. But I feel I cannot, In case anyone didn't want anything shown.

    I popped into Europa from Siege last night for 30 minutes to say Hi to the guys, yes I miss them.

    A small team of our guild were fighting 17 Oranges half the night. It was a quiet night for our guild, we have 62 in Discord.

    List of PvPers they were fighting last night, made up from 2 guilds, Pro and DiE.

    Public Enemy, Nevka, Svinto, Maka, Think Pink, Valigar, Est, Neo, Marko, Minda, Last Target
    Nightmare, Mervyn, Mick, Gandalf, Jayne, Lost. I popped in on Celestial, AJ, Lego, Psycho, Skulf, Hype, Ari on our team, Sean had also popped in like me.

    25 players right there, PvPing as I logged in. Only time you ever see action like that in Trammel is EM Events where you get lured with free 200m items.
    For the record, Wraiths/TUK the best guild in UO. <3

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    YEA for ej accounts to boost PKers.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

     Bilbo said:
    YEA for ej accounts to boost PKers.

    I guess that's why we are all sat in Castle's. ;)

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Siege is so proud to have you, well, when you're not logged in on Europa.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018
    Siege is so proud to have you, well, when you're not logged in on Europa.

    LOL at the sarcasm. :s

    I don't really know anyone there yet, would like to find some people to play alongside regularly in a team. Would like to meet up with some other new guys if I can find any that share a similar game vision to myself. I think the vision is important.

    I've been on Siege for about 2 months, a couple of the Vets I have met have been very kind and helpful, I've met and chatted to a couple of new guys, I've been PK'd once by Cherokee, and hardly seen anyone else so far - I've seen a few VICE running around. But then I have been trying to avoid people as I train up, and I think everyone has hiding/stealth, and they are equally avoiding me! In those 2 months, I've popped back to Europa for about 30 minutes, it's hard to leave guys I've known for 15+ years, that was always going to be tough for me {why it took me so long to get to Siege in the first place, even though it is my ideological home these days} - in fact, I won't leave them for real, will have to stay in touch and somehow do stuff with them also, as well as starting from scratch as a full time working parent with a hectic social and fitness routine. I will celebrate my 4xGM tonight, big achievement for me, as I'm very slow at training skills, I've so far farmed for my house, +25 stats, +120 mace, Lvl 3 Primer, now I'm farming for the +5 scroll, then I'll be farming for Soulstones - and Mats for Imbuing/Blacksmith - that's obviously very important on Siege! It's going to take me time.

    In the meantime, I'm watching, and getting to know players styles.

    I see NEW guild, I see Gilfane a huge blue PvM guild, I see UWSP a crafting guild, and I see VICE - a Reddy blue VvV guild, which leaves an obvious hole in the system, and one I ideologically fit into.

    I have set-up a guild called VRTU {VvVirtue} (some will have expected that :)   ), which will follow my Anti PK, role-play, PvP, PvM, Crafting style of play.

    If anyone is interested in that style of play -new/vet/from any shard, feel free to contact me. I'm brand new on Siege myself, I won't pretend it won't take time to develop, but the journey will be fun, I'm known for the sheer volume of action that magically just happens all around me. I'm a Magnet. :p  

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    Damn, my writing style was poor there, came back to edit it, and was outside my 1 hour edit time.

    That will bug me.

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