Sieges Britain Hub reached now 106 houses linked.... (still growing...) ... Thank you ...

... for all the support!!!

For those, who have not been on Siege till now, or for those, who been to long away from it...

Take a look at the Britain Central Hub, you will love this spot as starting place on Siege:
Easy to find: Just NW of Britain moongate....follow the flowered road ....

First Floor (green):

Second Floor: (red)

Third Floor: (purple)

The Roof:

The Hubs rules are
- Everyone is allowed to place a teleporter in this hub (except banned people )
- Public and Private houses can be linked.
- Security of teleporters is set to everyone. Security to enter your house hub comes from your house security. (if you have private houses, only friends of your house can enter the house from hub side)
- If want to bring a teleporter to link your house, bring a symbol for the pedestal behind the tile, too.
- No Stealing, Fighting, Killing, Looting in the house. Friends of houses can ban those, who are dishonoring the rules.
- If you get the feeling that a ban wasn´t justified, feel free to contact me. - And i will look into this issue.
- Only Coowners or Owners remove a ban!

Take this thread as an Invite to have a look around on Siege.

New Players (even players coming from other shards, returners, etc.) should try to get in touch with NEW guild. They will support your start on Siege.

Hope to meet you at the hub.

Joline Maza


  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited August 2018

     Brilliant again. I'm going to have to save this to my PC.

    The Roof, Teleporter 1, straight to my house, I was hoping to find one - that will give me awesome access to stuff now, thank you. :)

    You don't have an Ethereal Dye Tub by the way?

    I was looking for one, for my Unicorn.

  • you meant a retouching tool... sure I do... ask me in game...
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Strictly my opinion but houses should be Public and the tiles set to "anyone", otherwise it's a personal safety transit system for most. Yes I"m bitter, mainly because I sold my Moonglow house and the owner of the matching telly tile to his public house yanked my access without so much as a message asking me why my house was set to private. Anyway people are always preaching about the spirit of the shard, while I appreciate the work you've put into this hub, the fact that private houses can be linked....well..i'll just shut up now.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
     Garth_Grey said:
    Strictly my opinion but houses should be Public and the tiles set to "anyone", otherwise it's a personal safety transit system for most. Yes I"m bitter, mainly because I sold my Moonglow house and the owner of the matching telly tile to his public house yanked my access without so much as a message asking me why my house was set to private. Anyway people are always preaching about the spirit of the shard, while I appreciate the work you've put into this hub, the fact that private houses can be linked....well..i'll just shut up now.

    I think it's fair to say there is enough that is public there.

    Just open up the Gilfane Loot House I guess, I'd settle for that. :p

  • Ankh of Sacrificed added now to ground floor, get ressed or lock your karma here.....

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