Crystalline Blackrock

I returned to the game. I initially began buying Crystalline Blackrock. However when I saw prices of 3,000000. I said I am going to get my own. I used google and saw you could get it from the Stygian Abyss. I took my bard there and my tamer. I did not get it. I then saw you could get it from Golden Elementals under Blackthorn Castle. I spent a day in there in Trammel. I then spent another day in Felucca. I also saw it was a drop for Mining. I spent several days mining in Malas, Trammel, Felucca, Ter Mur this is absolutely stupid. In an entire week I have literally gotten all of 10 of these stupid rocks. Yet I see sites I can buy up to 100 at a time which is also insane. WTF ??????


  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018

    In my experience the drop rate is good on the golden elementals in Blackthorns Felucca.

    About 30 every 1-2 hours, I don't hunt longer than that per session.

    The other methods I wouldn't bother with, too slow.

    Take a Warrior with slayer, put mining on so you can smelt the ore (Tamer with mining also works). The blackrock is black and hidden in the elementals backpacks, so very easy to miss, keep an eye out. I usually drag 1 of the elementals out, as the constant spawn is too fast for me to loot properly.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    I had good luck with the golden elementals in Blackthorns Trammel on Pacific. I would say 1 for every 10 elementals.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Just farmed golden elementals under Blackthorns Trammel on Pacific.  In a little over 30 minutes I collect 10 crystalline blackrocks from 45 elementals.  I am running a pure mage with an elemental slayer spell book.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    TimSt said:
    Just farmed golden elementals under Blackthorns Trammel on Pacific.  In a little over 30 minutes I collect 10 crystalline blackrocks from 45 elementals.  I am running a pure mage with an elemental slayer spell book.

    The reason I take a Tamer or Warrior over Mage on this one, is Tamer can use pet, and Warrior auto hits/kills elementals, no interaction required to kill the mobs, so character can focus on dragging loot around and smelting. With Mage, you need to kill and deal with loot, you are creating more work for yourself.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    It is not that much work. Pull the gold out and drop on ground, click on the loot button, loot automatically goes into a loot bag.  Kill more mobs. After the bag is full recall home, remove resources using an agent, put bag in a secure spot for later unraveling by my imbuer, recall back to Blackthorns, go to hitching post, claim a bunch of packies, go collect the gold, recall back home, dump gold in a secure bag for later smelting by my miner when he has a gold smelting talisman.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018
     TimSt said:
    It is not that much work. Pull the gold out and drop on ground, click on the loot button, loot automatically goes into a loot bag.  Kill more mobs. After the bag is full recall home, remove resources using an agent, put bag in a secure spot for later unraveling by my imbuer, recall back to Blackthorns, go to hitching post, claim a bunch of packies, go collect the gold, recall back home, dump gold in a secure bag for later smelting by my miner when he has a gold smelting talisman.

    Sounds like a lot of work. :)

    Drop resist off your character, throw on mining, keep on collecting and smelting in there, use bag of sending. If you use Warrior or Tamer, the mobs just die, you don't lose any time or key pressing killing them, you just focus on loot, smelt, send. (I don't collect weapons or gear for unravelling there).

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Welcome back to UO Cagle, where it's still called a "grind" for a lot of things.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • caglecagle Posts: 30
    I am on the great lakes server. I tried both Felucca and Trammel with Blackthorn. I used my tamer with mining got like 1 rock. Used my card both Trammel and Felucca same result one rock. When I mine I am getting all kinds of Blackrock ,but maybe one or two if lucky crystalline Blackrock. Both characters have over 1K of luck. 
     I've read all the posts. I am at a total loss. I have no idea what is happening or going wrong ,but clearly something is off.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Mined crystaline blackrock is only possible in Ter Mur
  • caglecagle Posts: 30
    That is not correct I have mined crystalline Blackrock where my 18X18 is located in Malas 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    As loot from ore elementals?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    They can be really hard to see, if you're playing in CC I'd recommend using one of the newer light coloured back packs or in EC use the extra bright background or list view.
  • caglecagle Posts: 30
    Yes I read all of that and specifically used the list view and I am 100% certain I mined black crystalline rock at my house in Malas
  • Shadow Ore Eles in the Yomotsu Mines also drop Crystalline Blackrock.
  • caglecagle Posts: 30
    I also went to the yomotsu mines no drops there
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    I've always had problems getting them from the Golden ele's on my tamer.  I get 10+ an hour on my thrower or sampire tho.  I put mining on my thrower and just use an ele slayer and get plenty of golden ingots and crystallized blackrock there.
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    I just did an hour of farming with gold ele and got 0 crystalline blackrock. There might be a problem with drop rate?
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    As far as I know you dont get any Crystalline Blackrock at all when using a tamer. No idea if its a bug or working as intented.
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    Drowy said:
    As far as I know you dont get any Crystalline Blackrock at all when using a tamer. No idea if its a bug or working as intented.
    Oh wow!

    I did use one! Gonna switch to my Archer and look at the result. That would be so stupid ... Let's see!
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    I confirm. Don<t farm this with a tamer. You<ll get 0 drop vs a warrior 1 out of 8-10.
  • I have mined in all the areas and have gotten under 10 pieces in the whole time the crystalline black rock has been in game!  The dev did this as a joke.... here hunt up this...whisper to other dev.. now lets see how long a suit can be made with it hahaha......
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