Moongates suggestion

AmeliaAmelia Posts: 12
edited July 2018 in Test Center
I have a little suggestion for test center. Could we have there some Moongates to for example Abyss / Navrey? It would make testing (templates) more easy. On production shards we have player teleporters etc. to get to many places fast. But non of those on Test Center. Thanks a lot for respond!


  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 657
    or instead of special moongates maybe the devs could lock down a city and a dungeon teleport crystal at luna bank or something. either way it would make things a lot less tedious not having to run to places
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Every shard has these portals locked down at players houses you just have to do a little work and find them as for the SA Dungeon ask there usually a house with pads to it.
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