[NEW] Reborn on Siege

Blind_OttoBlind_Otto Posts: 19
Ladies and Gentlemen of Siege Perilous. I believe I have good news. I hope you will agree with me.

NEW is once more open for business.

You see, the fates have smiled upon us. For some time, we have believed that the guild of NEW was lost to us. Lady Shalimar has not been seen in some time. While others have done truly amazing work in continuing her legacy (NEW2, NOOB, NWSP, etc.) the original has been missed.

About a month ago, quietly, almost unnoticed, a player returned to Siege. No, not Shalimar. Would that it was. But no – the strange workings of the RNG decided to make a young lady called Magical the guild leader of NEW. She logged back in after a long time away, to find that Shalimar had quit the guild, and she had been promoted to guild leader.

UWSP and I have been working with her to restore something of what NEW once gave our shard.

We have a guild hall. We have chests stocked with basic resources for newcomers to our fair land. We have some of the vet crafting machines. We have a tile at the Britain Hub. We have a deep love for Siege.

The rules of NEW that have stood the test of time will still apply.

Most importantly, NEW is neutral.

NEW has always prospered because of the support shown to it by other guilds and players. We are here to feed the shard. NEW members will be told – in neutral terms – about any guilds or alliances who want us to recruit for them. We will equip and train them. But NEW needs your support. That is the key element that has made NEW the success story that it is. The respect of the shard, the support of all players – blue, red, orange, yellow – and you knowing that you can safely guide a lonely looking noob to our doorstep.

We will do our best to pull our weight. Let NEW earn your respect by results, not by these words.

If you would like to be an emissary, please let us know. Ideally an emissary would be someone with a good knowledge of Siege, some time – not necessarily massive amounts - to give to recruitment and support, and the ability to leave any other activities/drama they’re involved in at the door when they have their NEW face on.

We will also need supplies from time to time. Low-end scrolls, for instance. Gear – decent enough to farm in, but not so amazing that the wearer will be an instant target. 

All I can offer is the time that I do have available, and the promise that I will not allow NEW to die.

So, there you have it. Support would be appreciated, drama will be ignored, although healthy debate and constructive criticism is always welcome, and donations will be happily accepted.

Thank you.


  • MagichandsMagichands Posts: 141
    Hurray for NEW ! You'll have our full support for everything ! 
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I am sensing a party. Yes... a celebration is in order!
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