can't use soulstones on one character since last patch/publish

I was training taming on my tamer and had soul stoned off everything except tamign and lore. Later I went to put magery back on and it said "can't use soulstone when mastery active" 
Don't let heartburn and indigestion keep you from relishing life's special moments. Use Alka-Seltzer for speedy relief when you need it.


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    edited June 2018
    click on the mastery book, select 'switch mastery' and then click on the mastery that is active to turn it off.
  • AlkaseltzerAlkaseltzer Posts: 43
    edited June 2018
    Yes, thank you. I figured it out. But why did they implement that feature to begin with?
    Don't let heartburn and indigestion keep you from relishing life's special moments. Use Alka-Seltzer for speedy relief when you need it.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    It's part of one of the bug fixes listed in the publish notes

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