Elemental damage, Weapons Variety and Craft improvements
Hello dear developers!
In the context of the limited number of elemental weapons and to have more variety in the use of all weapon types in general, I propose moving away from the concept of rare elemental weapons dropping exclusively from bosses.
Return the ability for crafters to improve items with colored materials in such a way that the material gives 100% elemental damage, some materials can give a mixed bonus, some one but 100% or spread from 50% up to 100%, the chance should not be 100%, make it predictable - 10%.
Add forged metal of artifact to the shop, additional income for you.
The value of weapons from bosses can be made, give them the ability to have 2 enchants instead of one, remove the specific bonus from rare weapons altogether so that crafters can modify them as they wish.
A lot of attempts, time and almost complete absence on the market of the right wepapons certainly makes it valuable and desirable in NL, but honestly, weapons are a basic need, raising the bar so much for fighters considering such a large variety of weapons that we will not be able to use is stupid.
Add forged metal of artifact to the shop, additional income for you.
The value of weapons from bosses can be made, give them the ability to have 2 enchants instead of one, remove the specific bonus from rare weapons altogether so that crafters can modify them as they wish.
A lot of attempts, time and almost complete absence on the market of the right wepapons certainly makes it valuable and desirable in NL, but honestly, weapons are a basic need, raising the bar so much for fighters considering such a large variety of weapons that we will not be able to use is stupid.
Deeper crafting and the need for crafters, more variety of weapons that people can use situationally in pvp and pvm, additional income for you, I just don't see any downsides to such changes! Please do it!
@Kyronix @Parallax @Community Manager
@Kyronix @Parallax @Community Manager