Healing and Anatomy
Back in the day this seemed like a big must. Many of my characters GM both of these. I've stored a bunch in fragments so I could pursue other templates because it seems most templates avoid these two skills. Anatomy gives a nice damage increase and you can rezz at a certain point but 2 skill slots seems a lot to give up being that other skills give damage increase and it is an item property and then mage, chiv allow rezz and a lot of templates have these because most need recall or journey. It seems they need to give these skills some more power even maybe by themselves to get them back in play. I noticed some templates that just have healing with no anatomy because that at least allows a heal but no cure or rezz, but still seems like 1 skill slot that only heals when I could get mysticism with that slot and not only be able to make healing stones and cleansing wind but have a whole spellbook at my disposal. Just my thoughts.
Copy to TC and raise and lower Anatomy and see how it changes the damage on your stat sheet.
It make sense now that you mention why anatomy is dropped and that is my point is that players have found more value in other ways of getting damage increase in order to free up an entire skill slot.
It would be nice to see them add more advantages to being a healer or even special gameplay/roleplay like some other skills have.
Are there healing quests or special awards for healing?
So you get that.
Cross healing is a lost art. In the early days, I had a good friend playing all the time too so we would melee all sorts of stuff using both of our warriors and cross heal. I think I was a little better at it than he was and once they finally added the in-house bandage macros it got much easier. But yeah, we could take down some pretty big monsters back in the day because the cross heal was so fast. So every template back then had healing/anatomy as a must because of cross heal. I forgot about that as being the main reason for healing/anatomy.