Archery Defense Chance

I read a thread today about a bushido archer. Some of these builds did not have parry which I thought was odd.

First question, is bushido very useful without parry since many of the moves require a success parry? How does that work?

Next, I've come across a ton of bows that have DCI on them. Some folks in the other thread mentioned parry is useless for archery but how does DCI factor in for a magical property on bows?


  • GarretGarret Posts: 238
    DCI works with archery, parry no, Bushido on archer is for momentum(only close combat), confidence (Extra stam,HP reg), and honor, going more then 100bushido on archer is a bit useless, you can remove Bushido if you fight vs monsters with slayer. DCI is not important on archer bcz of gameplay, you need to avoid close combat, fight from range and perform archer dance-moving next position after the swing.
  • Thank you. This kinda sums up and verify the bits and pieces I've been coming across. It is just aggravating because I've been doing the current demon spawn event and some other spawns and I am getting tons and tons of lesser arty or greater bows that drop from these bosses but a good portion of them have DCI on them. I mean it is a bad proportion of them to where it almost seems like a bug in the loot generator, but I'd hoped I was missing something in gameplay or character building when I saw the bushido archer where players were seeking DCI bows.
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