Parry and two handed weapons

PodolakPodolak Posts: 17
On prod we would run bushido if using two handed weapons.  We do not have bushido on NL.  So if I am going to run two handed weapons should I forgo parry?  Template also has archery.


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,402Moderator
    edited March 13
    it gives a formula for calculating, and includes a 'legacy' formula which dates from before Bushido.

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,675
    Parry and archery Don't work together correct? 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,402Moderator
    no, but archery is mentioned as an 'also' skill.
  • PodolakPodolak Posts: 17
    Thanks Mariah, looks like there is still a decent chance to block with Parry.  The decision now is if magic resist or parry is more worthwhile.  I'll have to play with it.

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,675
    I always get confused by parry and block one (parry) done with a weapon the other (block done with either shield or weapon)
  • GarretGarret Posts: 228
    edited March 13
    Podolak said:
    On prod we would run bushido if using two handed weapons.  We do not have bushido on NL.  So if I am going to run two handed weapons should I forgo parry?  Template also has archery.
      You still can parry when carrying two handed weapons (or one handed without shield) on retail and on NL server.
      You will have 17% parry chance with 100% parry skill.
      Remeber to have full parry potentional you need to be higher 80 dex, this modifire start from 0.1 at 10dex up to 1 point when you at 80 dexterity so if you mage with 10 dex you will have almost 0 parry chance and also will lost portion of parrying when you get dex debuff and drop lower 80 dex.
      Also two handed weapons and archery weapon have hidden "balanced" property on NL server it let you drink potion without free hand/s.
  • GarretGarret Posts: 228
    edited March 13
    Podolak said:
    Thanks Mariah, looks like there is still a decent chance to block with Parry.  The decision now is if magic resist or parry is more worthwhile.  I'll have to play with it.

      If you ask about PvM and you have free skill points for some reason go parry, if you talking about PvP then you no need parry and resist not bcz they are bad but bcz you will not have enough dmg if you spend to much points in to deffence - atleast at this state of game.
      In PvM if you are not plan to play with team and will try to tank something you better focus on damage dealing, most underrated and powerfull skill is focus - extra mana regeneration and stamina regeneration will let you keep using special abilitys and maximum possible for ur weapon attack speed.
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