A word, if you may, gentle Lords and Ladies

Before the next event begins, I'd like to remind people we have a lot of good people who for various reasons become isolated in our community, like eyesight issues. Take the time to find out not what they cannot do, but what they can do and what they like to do to involve them in events. Create community collections and contribute duplicate deco items and equipment. All those blooms and excess lore pages might not mean much to you but may brighten the day of another.  Killing monsters may get old, but helping others is always a challenge.  Thank you, hunt well, and may a bear never shi*t in your bed.


  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Some comments have been removed. Please stay topical. respectful and courteous.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited February 25
    Rorschach said:
    Some comments have been removed. Please stay topical. respectful and courteous.
    That looks like every response is removed to me. That is impressive. :D

    But yes, on topic, I agree with the guy, I get tons of stuff I just bin, and if anyone wanted, for sure.
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