PvP Improvement for Classic - Superior Agility Potion

CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
edited February 23 in PvP / VvV
Exactly the same as a Greater Agility Potion - but a 1 hour buff, instead of 3 minutes.

This buff is too short for playability, the fact it is one of the most scripted functions backs this up.

The logic? Looking at my mage for example, there are 70 hotkeys I am using to play this character.
To have to maintain this buff every 3 minutes is painful, when you are doing everything else. So people script it.

Giving a Superior Agility Potion (and Str and other relevant potions), would enhance gameplay, and in fact make less need for scripting, therefore nullify the entire point of scripting in this case. You have to look at why players script, and usually, their reasons are quite legitimate and are down to perceived game weaknesses. A 3 minute cooldown 20 years ago, was fine, when there were only 5 consumables and 60 spells to use, now there are 20 odd consumables, with cooldowns, and counters, and far more spell schools, masteries, and special abilities, some of the lower end functionality needs to be made easier.

So - some fun ways to bring Superior Agility potions into the game?
Or, make re-applying Greater Agility potions - legally?

1. In Classic Client Macro options where you set the macro use agility potion - add another option behind it - {Use automatically in X Minutes}. Just that 1 option built into classic, gets rid of the need to script. With this function built into Classic, nothing else is needed, not even a Superior Agility Potion.

2. Make Superior Agility Potions a Bod reward for alchemists, or make them craftable by alchemists completing 100 Greater Agility potions as the ingredient.

3. I've often said there should be some rewards for Knight of all 8 Virtues. If you are worried about "balance", have these high end potions craftable by Alchemists, then only usable by Avatars (Knights of all 8 Virtues). What this would do for game balance is ensure not every character can use them instantly. To get the 8 Virtues requires commitment to a character - it is a Main character, and therefore qualified to use a Superior Agility Potion. In general, botters are not committed to playing a character so much (they are built using quick and easy - hence sampires), if players achieve Avatar status, it would get rid of these complaints. Yet ultimate pvpers, and pvmers are interested in being an Avatar.


  • the last part is a bad idea unless virtues become available to reds as well...
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    the last part is a bad idea unless virtues become available to reds as well...
    Or it is a good idea, if it makes more players feel safer playing in Felucca, knowing their Avatar Status gives them a slight Boost - as was always the Intention with the Virtues.

    I get your point, being Red, is sort of a Moot point these days etc.

    I don't mind which way it goes - But I stand by the idea of giving an additional and meaningful rewards to Avatar players.
  • how about giving Avatar players a decent luck bonus instead? That would be useful and wouldn't mess with PvP at the same time.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited February 23
    how about giving Avatar players a decent luck bonus instead? That would be useful and wouldn't mess with PvP at the same time.
    Who cares about Luck. :)
    {And we already get +1000 Luck in Felucca, And it doesn't work anyway}.

    The Knight of the Virtues, already have a huge link to PvP and PvM bonuses.
    This is what I mean, by it should be meaningful.

    Many people do not want to change the Meta - I am transparent - I do want to change the Meta.

    Knight of Sacrifice - self ressing affects PvP.
    Knight of Compassion - ressing teammates with 80% HP already affects PvP.
    Knight of Honour - Self Honour, meaning mobs don't attack you, and do attack your enemies - already affects PvP.
    Knight of Justice - Killing reds, and getting a Champ Spawn boost clearly affects PvP.
    Knight of Something else - Gives a Protection shield to a comrade very similar to SW Mana Shield.
    Knight of Honesty allows PvPers to buy goods from NPC vendors for a cheaper price. ;)

    The Virtues - Intrinsically were meant to affect PvP.

    PvP is end-game, we already PvP with the Virtues. They are an added Benefit to PvM as a bonus.

    Even the current PvP system is called Vice v Virtue.
    The premise being - hardcore pvpers liked to be "bad", whereas not so hardcore, could choose blue, and they were often at a disadvantage, because they were protecting pvmers.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    how about giving Avatar players a decent luck bonus instead? That would be useful and wouldn't mess with PvP at the same time.
    Ultimately - it is only 1 out of 3 suggestions put forwards, The Avatar concept reward can be used for something else.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    the last part is a bad idea unless virtues become available to reds as well...
    And Reds can use a Royal Pardon.
    They went Red for a reason usually.
    Royal Pardon is a legitimate time-sink for them to go blue again.
    I think it's a reasonable cost of that style of PvP - I go red a ton, I collect Royal Pardons.
    It promotes playing VvV.
  • It's a shame good players don't post suggestions and all the dev's see are these posts.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    It's a shame good players don't post suggestions and all the dev's see are these posts.
    It's a shame you didn't have anything useful to add.

  • ArmyArmy Posts: 48
    Decent idea except tying to Virtue just means I’ll script the virtues. However dropping it to a 30m cooldown. Adding a vendor that sells super Agility/Strength Kegs with 10 potions per keg at 1m. Gold sinks, only pvpers would really use it.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited March 13
    Army said:
    Decent idea except tying to Virtue just means I’ll script the virtues. However dropping it to a 30m cooldown. Adding a vendor that sells super Agility/Strength Kegs with 10 potions per keg at 1m. Gold sinks, only pvpers would really use it.
    Yep, good point re scripting the Virtues, I didn't think of that!
    On the other hand - even if you script the Virtues, they have a hard cap per day, it would still take enough time to turn-off the less dedicated players.
    My point there was to try and keep this benefit away from Botters, on the understanding botters would not go to these sort of lengths for a quick and easy bot character, whereas a pvper, or main would go to the effort.

    I like the 30 min cooldown, and the gold sink concept, though I think gold sinks get a bit boring - I wanted a way for it to be another playable feature in the game, to bring more than just pvpers in - crafters for example.
  • ArmyArmy Posts: 48
    Everything that is craftable, farmable will 100% be scripted unless they delete CC, and EC altogether and only allow the web client.
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