Limit cheat client to 1 connection per IP

They say they only use it for PVP? Then here ya go:
Let's limit 1 cheater client per IP per server, like EJs are. Feel free to cheat your heart out and PVP on one client and one client only.
I think this is a fantastic compromise in the mean time until the devs can come up with a better solution, aka, continue their war against the constellation client.

If you complain about this you're actually a bot farmer. Please, out yourself by disagreeing:

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I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
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  • psychopsycho Posts: 375
    edited February 11
    People use VPN, can still log in with multiple.

    One intersting note from the "war on 3rd party clients"  on

       "We are putting out this detection in maintenance so that means the Japanese shard will get this tonight and the others will get it when your shard performs its maintenance.
     We wanted to give you an update on our next step to crush the unapproved automatic gameplay in UO.  At this time these changes will only apply to EJ accounts.  If you are flagged, you will not be able to log back in the shard once you log out."

    so, wait a min.... you can detect the illegal clients on subbed accounts, but you are not doing anything?  EJ fine, only nubs use EJ because its so many limitations its actually unplayable.  But subbed accounts?  They pay each month to access UO, not for using illegal clients.

    The new producer absolutely have to adress this issue.
    And I think its best adressed with a new up to Date 2d client. (Not webUO where you can only access via discord, but a real desktop version that has the right settings and high FPS, monitor support and feel free to copy good settings from the illegal client such as percentage over head)

    With a good classic client there would be no need for anything else. (except UOAsist which is totally outdated and should be scrapped)

  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 549Moderator
    No Trolling - Do not post comments which have the sole purpose of causing an argument. You may express your opinion on a topic however, abuse to anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as you will not be tolerated.
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