Gargoyle Fashion Show

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
edited February 9 in Skills and Stats
Gargoyle Armor

There are four types of Gargoyle armor, each type has two sets. One set is female, the other male. The individual set icons appear in containers, but regardless of which pieces are equipped, the paper doll will only display the gender corresponding artwork.

Tailors craft the Cloth and Leather sets, including wing armor.
Blacksmiths craft the Platemail sets, including the plate amulet.
Carpenters with Stone Masonry craft the stone sets, including the stone amulet.

What follows is a comparison of the sets, with both container icons, and corresponding paper doll artwork.

Gargoyle Cloth Armor

The center tail of male gargoyle cloth armor is cut off in the "Enhanced" Client.

Gargoyle Leather Armor

The difference between female and male armor is especially noticeable with leather armor. The female leather "kilt" is actually a pair of long leather shorts, the male kilt is a kilt. When the female shorts are equipped by a male, they will appear as the kilt. When the kilt is equipped by a female, it will appear as a pair of leather shorts.

Gargoyle Platemail Armor

The bust on the female gargoyle platemail armor is especially pronounced in the container icon. Unfortunately, the gargoyle platemail amulet does not display fully with either female or male gargoyle platemail armor.

Gargoyle Platemail Armor with Gargoyle Platemail Amulet

Gargoyle Stone Armor

The bulky shoulder pauldrons of the male gargoyle stone armor set are quite visible in the container icons. Unfortunately, the gargoyle stone amulet does not display fully with either female or male gargoyle stone armor.

Gargoyle Stone Armor with Gargoyle Stone Amulet



  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited February 13
    Gargoyle Accessories and Clothing

    Gargoyle Accessories (Earrings, Necklace, Ring, Bracelet)

    Earrings appear larger and more detailed on the male model. The male model underwear appears to be unhemmed cut cloth rather than the female model finished and fitted underwear.

    Gargoyle Clothing : Miscellaneous (Half-Apron, Sash, Talons)

    The female sash appears to pin to the shoulder as no cloth appears over the shoulder. The male sash matches the container icon. The "Talons" are more accurately footwraps, as the gargoyle's actual talons remain uncovered. 

    Gargoyle Robe

    From the container icon we can see the robe is supposed to be trimmed at the neck, cuffs, and base. What appears on the paper doll is instead the blank placeholder art for a robe. Texture layers have never been applied to the robe, neither for the female nor male model.

    Gargoyle Fancy Robe

    A robe with what appears to be a reinforced collar and fitted neck lining. 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited February 18
    Gargoyle Shields and Non-Metal Weapons

    Glass Staff

    Gnarled Staff

    The male holds the staff in such a way that the lower fork is sometimes difficult to see. The gnarled staff is not centered in the item slot of the paper doll.

    Serpentstone Staff

    The Ecru Citrine required for crafting this staff is visible at the head of the staff, held in the mouths of the intertwined serpents.

    Glass Sword and Wooden Shield

    The Wooden Shield is similar to the Small Plate Shield, but with a wooden center instead of a metal center. When equipped by males, the two shields even have the same notch along the lower edge. The notch appears to be a clipping issue between this small shield graphic and the male platemail kilt.

    Stone Sword and Stone Shield

    The edge of the Stone Sword blends properly with the background when wielded by a female. When wielded by a male, a dark black highlight line around the edge of the Stone Sword is visible against both background armor and the wielder's hand.

    Kite Shield

    Similar to a Medium Plate Shield but with a leather center.

    Plate Shield - Small

    Similar to the Wooden Shield but with a metal center. When equipped by a male, the graphic appears to clip with the lines of the underlying male platemail kilt, just as the wooden shield does.

    Plate Shield - Medium

    Similar to the Kite Shield, but with an embellished metal center.

    Plate Shield - Large

    Chaos Shield

    The lower shield edge and trident tines clip through the left leg of the wielder.

    Order Shield

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    You can critique, I don't know what this thread is about.
    There are 2 versions of Garg Leather armor when you look at the pieces, but when worn, they look the same.
    Stone Armor with Dread Sword.
    Plate armor with Garg Bone Harvester
    I could show all the garg suits and the cool weapons but they are on vendors so cant switch M/F easily.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    This thread exists because about a year or so ago I was messing around with some Gargish gear, which I have never really paid attention to, and was thinking about how a lot of the shields just look the same. Then I started paying closer attention and realized that quite a bit of subtle detail exists even in similar looking gargoyle equipment. The next thing I noticed was that a lot of the armor looks one way in a container, but completely different when equipped. So, I started crafting and taking pictures of everything.

    Pawain said:
    There are 2 versions of Garg Leather armor when you look at the pieces, but when worn, they look the same.
    Kind of, but not exactly. This is actually what got me started taking pictures. You are correct, there are two versions of Gargoyle Leather armor, there are also two versions of each of the other three Gargoyle armor types, Cloth, Plate, and Stone.

    You are also correct that the two versions do look the same when worn, but only if worn by the same gender. If you look more closely, you'll see that version one will always match what a female wears, version two will always match what a male wears. In trying to keep track of which version went with which gender, I started creating a "picture list".

    As I pointed out in the original post, the gender-based difference in armor is especially noticeable with leather, as the female wears pants (shorts) and the male wears a dress (kilt). A little gender role reversal UO played on ya there.

    Anyway, I figured I am an average player and if I am confused by which version correlates with which gender and needed a list to remember it, then some other player just might as well. 

    In going through more of the Gargoyle items, I noticed gender differences with many of them, details that only became apparent upon closer inspection, and a number of layering issues.

    It seemed a single thread to keep track of all the "Gargoyle stuff" would be the way to go. Here we are.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    Gargoyle Metal Weapons


    Battle Axe

    Dual Short Axes





    Disc Mace





    Dual Pointed Spear





    Bone Harvester

    Butcher Knife



    Dread Sword


    Short Blade




    Soul Glaive

    I believe this is all of the Gargoyle specific equipment. The other equipment available to Gargoyles are alterations of Human / Elf items. If I've missed something Gargoyle Specific and you would like me to add it, let me know, or feel free to post it.

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