22nd February - Mini Champ Spawn - suggestions?

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator

The Knight Commander has determined that the troups need to be better trained, in order to deal with the ongoing chaos in Moonglow.

And so, a hunt is being arranged.

An old, disused champion spawn altar will be used to attract various monsters, culminating in a dummy champion (the Commander's grumpy uncle, wearing a disguise) appearing and going "rawrrr" a lot.

As with any champ spawn, there will be four main rounds of monsters, not counting Uncle Grump, with two types of monster per round.

If there's anything you'd particularly like to fight, let me know, and I'll see what can be done!

Suggestions so far include:

  • Solens
  • Unicorns
  • Various elementals, including Blackrock elementals
  • Various renowned creatures from the Abyss (are you sure you want more than one of those ata  time ?!?)

Reply below, and let me know what you're in the mood to slay!

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