Can I report this here?

I am a returning player and have only been back for about two months.
First and foremost, I love Ultima Online!
I enjoy both PvP and PvE, and I appreciate the unique appeal of Felucca. Once I get more settled, I absolutely want to engage in PvP in Felucca.
However, I strongly believe that the following issue needs to be addressed.
Players are abusing third-party programs to control a large number of archers, making it impossible to respond or counter their attacks. Worse yet, they are hiding right in front of my house—15 archers waiting in ambush and attacking at the same time. There is simply no way to defend against this.
I want to engage in fair and legitimate PvP in Felucca.
Please take action against this kind of exploit. I would greatly appreciate it!
Attached are screenshots as evidence. If you need additional information, I will gladly provide it.
Happy New Year!