A Disgusting Sight In The Land of Cats

VenomVenom Posts: 106
If you've been to the lands recently, you're aware of the stank and disease spread by the gargoyles. I strongly believe they have something to do with the recent invasions of the towns, especially considering gargoyles have been seen assaulting citizens and stealing from shops. 

Even Obsidian has made comments related to this scourge. Who wants to take on this evil with me?


  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    Don't say I never told you:
    Fight for the fate of all of Sosaria as you continue to push back the forces of Veylara and the Shadow Reavers with a new champion spawn located in Ter Mur.[bold for emphasis]
  • IniquityIniquity Posts: 27
    I for one agree, the gargoyle scourge has gone on for far too long.  It's time to take a stand.

    Just the other day I overheard a conversation of one of our brave citizens of Skara Brae complaining about disease spread by these foul beasts.

    Citizens I implore you stand up before it's too late!
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    He speaks the truth! Although confusing to hear of a brave citizen of Skara Brae, I suppose anything is possible in these trying times.

    Let us join forces!
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