Classic Client sub containers not changing style (or doing it unpredictably) ?
I am having a problem with sub containers not changing look (or changing it randomly, with the changed look coming and going unpredictably...).
For example, I go to OPTIONS-->INTERFACE and select Character Backpack Style as "Polar Bear" but, while the main backpack becomes that of Polar Bear, the sub-containers don't or, some do and some don't and this also changes at new Log Ins with some different sub-containers becoming Polar Bear and others resume to the default one...
Also, it looks like this change applies to any and all characters, not just the 1 character that I would want the backpack style change to apply... is there a way to make this change : A) - apply also to all sub-containers for that character and
- only work for the 1 character I have set it up, not for any and all characters of that given account ?

Thank you for the help.