Gladiator's Collar durability, why not 255 rather then 150 ?
I do not get it why the Gladiator's Collar [Replica] Durability is set at 150 rather then the standard 255.
Especially, considering how it is a starting item for a cheaper Warrior template so, helping out players who cannot afford a more expensive Warrior build to have this neck slot item last a bit longer by having its durability start with 255/255 rather then 150/150 would make sense, at least to me.
Would it be possible to change the durability for this item to 255/255 ?
You should be asking why those specific minax invasion older events items; only exist into a replica form design to not be sustain.. when u have very few people owning the regular version (non-replica) of those items.. when in fact u have those heretic items during those BS design events doing the opposite every couple months..
Mainstreaming old event OP and VERY RARE items for a limited time like that?
TL;DR: what u really want to ask is for the regular gladiator collar to be part of the next botted invasion as a new heretic item.
PS: I was not even mad when the LT sash came back as replica.. cuz u cannot sustain it's usage without HEAVY investment.. was decent balance.
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they are all 150/150
where you been for 15 years?
Have you only just discovered the Gladiator's collar?
Just wait till you try to repair it
Its junk, why are you even using it?
Not for your sampire surely?????????????
You just do NOT listen to other players when they give you advice do you? People have tried many times to offer advice to you Popps, and you ignore them and mass-debate over it, then come up with this kinda nonsensical post
you have out done yourself yet again
REPLICA! there are loads of them, you want them all changed?
uoguide and you will learn something
They are not going to change the replicas to suit you
save up your pennies and buy a real one from a rare collector
Only advice I will offer at this stage to you, do underwater, YOU look it up and learn. then you will get legendary artifacts that will crap all over that junk collar
Thats what everyone else has done to get decent builds
was killing stuff around the boat, discovering the zone.. then i've seen those 10 multi-bots going in.. So I just went out.. I would only go back to steal stuff and multiple time i've spotted the same 10 multi-bots.. the same 10 dude i'Ve spotted farming oni 24/7 8 days straight for splintering weapon.. reported them everytime.. I assume this was THE spot if u don't wanna pay for free stuff; ToL to do roof battle.
I had the feeling those 10 bots only took break from Ararat to farm splintering weapon somehwere.. So i decided to just wait on one of those event.. big mistake.
The quest to gain access was fun tho.. the only part I was like WTF is that poo poo was the destard dragon.. I had to multi account his ass.. everytime it's close to die; it would perch outside the map
PS: for Popps.. he got a point.. why the replica ain't coming back as heresy during those events.. like other items does.. why BS do not consider the minax invasion event as they consider the rest of those event; the non minax one?
If he would ask for some replica to come back as heresy (just look my LT sash.. it came back as an artifact from blackthorn dungeon later on)
Why not the gladiator collar? You know.. if he'd ask for that it would make WAY more sense than asking for the replica to be reworked.. would still be an heresy.. but this is in line from what we seeing (look the ninja earring for example)
Having a replica version does not justify not having a heresy one (mainstreaming something OP that was very rare, one of the worst way possible on a sandbox, limited time, shardbound and highly botted as a bribe)
At least, for my LT sash after the replica wich i give no damn.. the blackthorn dungeon one.. was real content u know.. not just a temporary bribe type of stuff meant to be botted... was still heavily botted (wich explain why everyone is being punish) but at this point this is a major BS issue since a decade, so nothing new..
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Bots, the battle against the bots, the events, the coloured mares, so much going on, NL, new black market items for fishers, so much to do, and he is talking about a stupid replica collar
And wants the whole world to stop while this gets addressed? these things are crap, have always been crap, 15 years old crap at a guess, where has he been? oh yes, on here adding to his post count
I mean REALLY??????
Imo it's not good enough to make it to the heresy list.. yes it's OP (breaking the limit on HC and HP) but it's not even close to be a best in slot.. so why not throw him a bone, you know.. like from the dev team acknowleding him and telling him.. why not make it part of the next heresy batch you know. (some people might hate him at this point since it's gonna take the spot of a BIS)
Maybe then the lil manipulation thing "for new players" could have done the job, but he did not ask: for the regular gladiator collar to be part of the next botted invasion as a new heretic item.
If he would have, I would have mention.. now get ready to receive hate from bots lover for whom this event is specially design; if the dev listen to you.
Some people needs to get burn to learn.
Personally so much going on and yet i log twice in game since december after waiting months for an heretic event to happen.. I do not support such.. I refuse to be a part of this.. this is a shame in my opinion.. anyone coping with this situation is as guilty as the GM's covering for them.. even if the GM themselves do not want to cover for them.. guilty! and this goes on and on.. till u reach the head.
If u read between the lines.. at least 90% of the player base were pissed at origin system when they came out with AoS.. the result is now history.. pissing off 90% of 10k-15k REAL users to gain 250k REAL users.
Make the move with good PR to promote it.. the rest gonna be history and for that.. we clearly need a new head to address all the heresy on prodo.
PS: u mention black market.. to me High Sea (mythic) is along the line of what BS doing.. they create problem to work on a solution High Sea to work on EC.. have u ever seen a legit CC user saying good stuff about HS? I did not.. I refuse to buy this cheater booster personally as a legit CC user.
Edit: BS turn the sandbox into a theme gated event game.. to work on NL.. a theme gated shard.. my guess is all those heresy gonna happen on NL soon enough as an extraction concept. Call me crazy.. but it seems pretty obvious or the decision maker is worst than i thought.
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How you are talking about replica, a collectible, as starting items is kinda hilarious & out of touch.. where do we get the gladiator replica again? I forgot, can you help me on that?
So i could guide new players as well.
At this point bro, forget about the easy farm heresy idea if u can cope with bots as new player.. u should be asking them to make all replica; antique.
Do we have an agreement?... for new players of course.
Edit: my LT sash was always on my paladin/dexer for that mana.. I wouldn't even switch it on the tamer when it was time to use the hammer in PvP.. cuz I would hit the ground before making good use of it.
You sir are out of touch.. You legit demanding for botting the hardest champ even more rewarding for them botters.. but to help the new players, of course!
I vote to make them replica 100 durability. it would REALLY help those new players.. sending a strong message.. those are collectible if you're not bling bling.. they ain't for u.
PS: i'm helping u again here.. i'll just take the time to explain it cuz u can't see it: at 100 dura price gonna drop.. at 255 price going to climb if u planning to buy from botters as a new players and not farming the hardest champ over n over yourself as a noob.. your idea make NO SENSE. what u saying make NO SENSE. can't u see it?
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Also @popps if items were not shard bound, new players could find things in VS that are better.
Actually, you are a waste of my valuable time
Go have fun with your glads collar
I am not getting banned because of you
Good luck and have fun however you wish to find it Popps
I could use that extra mana.. since I had no room for meditation.. it was HUGE.
Those items was an option if u were bling bling or a good reason to stop shaming people doing spawn on illshenar.. other than that it's a collectible.
He should really just ask for an heretic version.. would be perfect for that new player he's talking about.. i don't understand that logic of asking for higher priced replica.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I've never had my gear break because I always pay at least tree fiddy for it... stop being cheap Vic.