Did you know: Saying 'Hi' trumps the TOS
The following actions are against the Terms of Service. If caught doing any of these could result in action against your account. 24 hour bans or even account termination.
* Classic Client macro with paper jammed in keyboard while away from keyboard allowing actions 24/7
* UOAssist macro used with another program to "infinit Loop" 24/7
* Classic Client used with a full scripting app to fully automate anything 24/7
* Third party client with full scripting to fully automate anything 24/7
* Third party client with full scripting to fully automate multiple accounts at once 24/7
But did you know...
Simply saying 'Hi' to a GM if questioned somehow makes everything ok.
Don't take my word for it. Go ask the bots running 24/7 in the Atlantic Solen hive tunnels. They have been paged on for days but must keep saying 'Hi!' They wont say Hi to you though, they only respond to their GM buddies.
That's it for today kids. Go hit play and enjoy UO!
They don't say Hi, the GM asks a specific question. Can range from how are you today to some other ice breaker. Maybe a simple math question.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
A quick look through the appropriate web sites and discords and you will find that the client has integrated messaging apps, so that while the bot is running, you can monitor the game and communicate with GM's via your phone, from the corner coffee shop or wherever.
You can be provided with the bot, phone integration to respond to GM's, and appropriate monetary transfer apps, via encrypted links on Viber and / or Telegram. My understanding from reading a bit about this is that you are using one-off channels for the distribution of the bot. There is a key / seed for you to be able to enter the channel, presumably so EA or other ICI departments can't just join up.
Honestly, the amount of work the builders of these clients have done, and the encryption and secretiveness they are using to distribute the software, is quite eye opening.
It also means that otherwise legitimate players can "rent - out" their accounts when not using them. Making it more difficult for Broadsword to ban an otherwise paying account.
It is really an operation the Broadsword team is up against. One that appears to have snowballed over the last year or two.
I agree that someone should not be able to log into the servers without an approved client.
I do not understand why the game allows a non UO client log into UO. Sounds unsecure to me.
As long as they allow it, then the GMs can only do what they are told, leave attended paying accounts alone.
These people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate a "dead" game.
But who are these players, where do you draw the line, maybe it is not as obvious as everyone thinks.
I really do see, the cleanest of the clean players get blamed ingame.
Players see this stuff everywhere, which undermines the case.
I also see "low level" stuff, players just playing the game their way.
I also see stuff that is not obvious, what you have to remember, the best people at this, really are hiding - if you are seeing them - they almost are not the ones.