Sanction the Constellation Client if we're not going to stop it
Allow everyone to run 30 bots at ToTs if we're not going to block it. Let's turn Ultima Online to Bot Online, it is anyways. Might as well put everyone on a fair playing ground like the PVPers want right? Right? F*cking ridiculous how these 50+ sampire bot trains are paged on 3 times a day but are still there 24/7 from server up till server down. These accounts should be banned for that fact alone.
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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

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To me, the concern is the # of people using illegal clients (regardless of for "botting," scripting in PVP, or simply quality of life benefits). Given, as far as I can tell from the forum, there were not even automated warnings to accounts observed connecting with these illegal clients. That begs the question: is the # of paid accounts using these clients significant enough that potentially actioning them is a financial threat to UO as a whole?
Otherwise they're so sure many people that use them would quit if they didn't have access, and thus kill the game, the only logical conclusion would be to say it's legal and watch subscriptions go through the roof.
So then why are we getting the worst of both worlds stuck in this purgatory? We can't have this closeted crap we're it's illegal but they turn a blind eye towards it.
I want UO like I want the Olympics: everyone enhanced and on steroids! I'm sick of spending time at this ToT and all my effort is worthless. Let everyone do it, or let no one.
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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
When the bots went, the whiney players seemed to vanish also, now the bots are back, so are the whiney players - is there a correlation, are they the same people?
Did whiney people create bots, or bots create whiney people?
A lot of players think, the legit whiney players ARE the bots, deflecting away from themselves.
Yes, I have shut all my accounts, I'm not going to fall for it again, they have until the end of March to show good faith after what they keep doing. Tempers have not cooled, this is twice they have done this, is this is their preferred course of action, so be it. We are being patient, like we did for 15 years, I will give them 1 more chance to not screw up.
Has no-one realised, those players are the genuine 25 year old pvp Vets yet?
That's not the point at all. The point is if I want to go spend an hour or two [I get at most to play a day] down there to put some items on my vendor to sell it's not worth it. The bots set the market and I can't out compete them with the few hours I play. I'm not going to fight the bots for pennies (idiom), I will lose 100% of the time. This is why I've always found it hilarious the people that are against 'account bound' rewards because they want to sell them, lol. Guess they're just bots because I don't know any LEGITIMATE player that sells these ToT items. And before anyone says so: no, anyone standing still with auto attack scripts does not make you legitimate.
These ToTs are just a slap in the face to legitimate players and a payday to bots. Let everyone farm 100,000's of items or put an end to it. I really hope it's the latter and we get something different going forward. The amount of bots at these ToTs are enough to lag the server should be a big red flag on doing something different.
Yea, and giving them the solen hive as another area to fight in was a mistake in hindsight. It's already being filled with bots on Atlantic.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Or, that is horrible example to set for them. We can't cheat, so why should we play.
This is also suspicious, coming from the poster who wants account bound items. The event has no been going a month, I have armor for all my toons, which is many. Also have bears and hundreds of points of deco items.
How are your efforts worthless? Because you can't profit off the excess?
Practice what you preach, if you want us to get account bound items, then you don't sell your items!
I've personally paged on folks who are automating or semi-automating in ways that presumably employ another client (harmful and competitive stuff - not skill gain or anything harmless) and have not seen actions taken against them.
You pretty much saying u can kill people using heavy cheats if it's not me.. u can be racist if I have my profanity filter cuz i'm on trammel.. get out of here with that solo online RPG speech.
To me it's pretty simple.. do as u please in your house.. other than that it's A MMOrpg... like any good sandbox.. like life itself..
PS: do not get caught INSIDE your house. be discrete and quiet.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Interesting, and very egotistical.
Maybe everyone else is happy?
Yes, I think that client should be sanctioned. Yes, I understand it is Russian, and considered a risk, therefore the Devs may not be in a position to sanction it. But then a lot of players were unhappy playing a client (WebCUO) that was linked to something as secure as Discord - point being, some players will never be happy - some accept more risk, some accept less. I personally, have a customised pc purely for UO, the risk is kept entirely on 1 machine only, none of my personal, or private life cross onto my gaming machine, because that is purely what it is, a gaming machine, to mess around on.
Yes, if someone is using 10+ Bots, they should be actioned in some way. They must be doing it for RMT - but of course the whole RMT would not exist, if there was not a demand, and players were not on the other side of the coin, buying items. So you would be harming 2 sets of players there, those who {need?} to make money via UO (god rest their souls), and those who work hard, make money, but have little time, so buy some of the items they need in UO. Both of those sets of players - are real people, like yourself.
Specifically for pvpers. Yes, Classic Client is the best to pvp on - the graphics, movement and integration work like they should. But Classic Client needs upgrades to match Enhanced, then it is by far and away, the best and most fun to pvp on.
You're not just playing “differently”, you’re cheating.
Honestly I wonder why anyone is trying to PVP against each other. There’s definitely not many left.
It absolves them from any sort of thinking I guess, it's like a psychological protective cloak.
Hey look, I invented fire!
Nah mate, that's cheating.
Hmmph, ok, stays silent for another million years...
Hey, I invented this wheel thing!
Nah, can't be doing that.
It’s not evolution, it’s cheating. We are not inventing the wheel.