Dear Devs, Happy Holydays, if not anymore too busy with NL, can we get more stackables ?
Dear Ultima Online Developers, Happy Holidays !!
Should you not be busy as lately because of all the work necessary to release New Legacy (nice job, thanks !), could we please get some work done to make more items in Ultima Online that currently do not stack to be possible to stack so as to help us to reduce the storage needs in the game ?
Unfortunately, the list of same items in Ultima Online which do not stack, is still long...
Thank you so much !
And add more items to the cleanup trash system.
And delete the timer to restock items from NPC vendors.
Waiting for others to do all the work as usual?
How about YOU add a list of items that YOU think need stacking instead of an empty +1 post to your over inflated non event post count
give the Dev's a chance Popps
Every anniversary token and Holiday token and every token ever created in game.
Holiday Tokens
Anniversary Tokens
shard transfer tokens
soulstone fragment tokens
holiday gift tickets
Heritage tokens
Race Change Token
Etc etc.
You can find a nice list here
anything that is exactly the same should stack. Always.
While you are at it can you add the year to the name for old holiday gift tickets? 12th anniversary and 13th anniversary tickets say just that. Old Holiday Tickets only say ‘Holiday Gift Ticket’ but the rewards are different from year to year so selling them on a vendor is near impossible since you don’t know which year until it’s in your pack and you try to use it. Been broken for 10 years.
Post what the dev's said as well please, the bit where they said NO, many of the items on the historic lists CANNOT BE STACKED. remember that? go find that list so you can see what they said no to. There is a task for YOU to get stuck into
Do you think the answer changes when you ask again?
So, Popps, you want the Devs to hold of on their fight agains 3rd party clients so you can store that load of junk?
If I were you, glad I am not by the way, I would put a call out in THIS forum and Stratics asking for a veteran player to go through you property and clear it out, I bet they can get you a whole load of storage back and you wouldn't even know what they binned
Bonus, you will get a load of clean up points to spend
"Armor Refinements (yes, they can be combined but there is players who use lesser then invulnerability so, making same ones be stackable can be of help to players)"
DO NOT speak for others or hide behind 3rd party assumptions, you do not speak for anyone but yourself.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Mana Draughts - pvpers use these, we want these in bulk, I'm losing chests storing these.
Power Crystals - I farm these for clean-up points when getting Exodus keys, they fill up the back-pack too fast, as the back-pack can only store 125 items. I currently use "organiser agent" to deal with them as I am not going to move these manually 1 at a time through 100's of them.
Tasty Treats - I get these from doing maps, and do not store them because they cannot be stacked, if I could stack them, I may actually store and use them for pets.
Engraving tools - Yes, again from T Maps, getting 1 item at a time, and having to store it, is painful, let them stack for when you want to use them.
Elixir of Rebirth - Yes.
Untranslated Ancient Tome - I disagree on this one - I collect these, they are a rare drop, and when you start getting a stack of them, it is time to hand them in. {There is a difference between holding things for when you want to use them, to holding things when they could be taken to the next step}.