The next logical step in the war on 3rd party programs
The next logical step on the war on 3rd part programs
- Enforce the need for Night sight, spell or property on armor
- Remove the ability for players to modify their client with field and three hacks
- Reduce the time for a certain client from 220 seconds before disconnect down to 110 seconds
- Remove UOAssist and UO Automap by making it a part of the 2d client
- Add more programs and clients to the no-play list. (not naming them here)
By completing the steps listed above we will have a much cleaner and fair UO for all.
Then and only then UO can reach 25 more years as the best mmorpg out there!
Thank you

Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Ive read there are free shards that still accept the O client. Maybe try there.
We can teach you how to change a tire tho.
still relying on a illegal client to boot.
try playing the game it’s way more fun bud.
The look on the face of a mage when they saw you take out the axe was priceless lol. Hot keyed pots,bandages,weapon swap and that was the most automation you got back then.
Breaks my heart pvp became Bots on a champ spawn patrol, find someone trying thier luck on a spawn call in your guild all show up kill em, block the exits with paralyze field, laugh, say something like "Wow that guy was terrible" finish spawn and sale the power scrolls on your luna vendor for way too much.
I'd much rather have 30 legit users coming at me than 1-3 red cheaters..
Make a build to survive and annoy them.. my go to was the paladin.. but vs 30 i'd use a ninja.. slowly farm the spawn and when they shows up.. do not die and mess with them like a thorn in their shoes..
Soon enough they will stop showing up on your spawn.. cuz it's not worth the effort plus they can avoid the public humiliation from a slippery worms.
Most of them ain't coming for the loot.. they came for the glorious glory of 30v1; being the king of the hill.. break that illusion with guerilla technic if u get outpower.. They'll stop soon enough and respect you.
When it's only 1-3 superman like cheaters.. it's another story. Good luck staying alive or killing them (still possible but GL)
and it's way more effective and easier to terrorize 30 legit zergy zerg woobies over 3 tryhard nab.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Scripts ruined it for me. I couldn’t compete anymore and just grew out of it.
the zergs still make me laugh as they’re yelling “ nice die!” In chat lol.
In my opinion, BS needed to act before the web client is fully develop (wich might take some time; with a small team of volunteer) cuz y'all were ruining the MAIN content of UO.. those theme gated event.
Good Job Broadsword.
PS: get back on UOA; instead of crying like a cheater.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Ok I'm over my sadness 4 U.
program…makes PvP little easier. PvP way harder than that trammy stuff you do.. “all kill,” and healing pets
i still log in through UOA though at this point it’s out of years of habit.
Now the question is how outdated is UOA?
I have good memories from it.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Have you tried running the client as an app?
If it was as simple as all kill then fair enough but it isnt, so dont display such ignorance of other players
Self entitlement and laziness is what seems to abound with players that use(d) the cheat client.
It seems to me this client basically did practically everything for you, you just had to move around a bit.
1 If this happens do this
2 If this happens do this
3 If this happens or this happens then do this and this
4 If BS block my client cry and make excuses
Thats about it ^^^
You want everything to be equal its now equal, the same as when everyone had the cheat get out there and start fighting each other maybe??? You are all on the same level now you might just have to put some effort into it now...
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
simple. I’m one of the only pvpers still pvping without O”. I’m pointing out, O” without any of its scripting abilities is better than web UO. Also I do run it as application, but escape exits full screen mode. Now CUO is almost there but not ready make it so the basic desktop Ultima online has resizable window…and 60fps…. And let me use the LEGAL UO assist with it…and it would be more functional than current web browser. Stop saying I want to cheat; when in litteraly saying let me use UO assist lolol, with higher FPS, because you can’t use UO assist with web browser. You can’t use exilag which is legal, and helps you with ping. That’s why I say you “pvmers” because yall so close minded/uninformed
complaints. Just saying before removing other clients, maybe have good working ones in place…or make regular UO have higher FPS…and lemme use UO assist
No one is uninformed, we can all see what the issues are and suggesting things to help that dont involve cheating or ruining the game for everyone else, which is what "O" as doing
You are wanting things that automate things for you.
If you are now pvping without "O" then you should be happy, as your superiortiy complex now has some foundation...except its only against a bunch of script kiddies who dont know right from left as a few lines of codes did it for them...
If its so easy and just "all kill", show me a video of you soloing an Ilshenar Champ spawn with a pet just saying all kill, and good luck healing it with all the paras. Plus you think "trammies" just go around with pets and dont do anything else? You have a very simplistic view of what happens in UO
You have lost touch with reality, maybe you need a script to get you back into the real world?