How do I chat in general and in game with out using the modern chat system or using enter to activate then enter again to send / show the text
basically how do i set it up to work like the cc works just type to talk in game and hit the , to talk in chat

I have never opened the chat menu. You may have clicked something.
Oh it has lost my macros a few times. Recently when logging off and on to get gifts, it set macros to just default.
I have learned to export the state, I put the date as file name. That returns them most of the time when I import them again.
I just logged on, it saves the state often when playing. So you can revert to 20 min earlier when things were working.
So, after you set everything up again, save the state!
Yes when I log into CC I run into doors, expecting them to open.
Also make sure you are using it in APP mode, it's better than web mode.
I think they were asked to make it a UO only client for free.
Ex. My mage profile will randomly have my melee icons and I have to fix it back.
When I go to other shards to collect rewards and switch toon scores of times, the macros can get lost.