[Joke] I confess, I have used bots in the Shattered Sanctum event :\

mismis Posts: 251
edited December 2024 in General Discussions
(Small child's voice) I see those players with so many followers, that I at least wanted to have a follower.

I confess, I have used bots

I accepted the quest of an NPC to follow me :/


PS: The NPC survived for the duration of the event, no claims had to be made to the governor of the area.


  • AstosAstos Posts: 5
     :D  <3  
  • mismis Posts: 251
    By way of clarification and apology:

    Yesterday I attached with the posting a video that I subsequently requested to be removed.

    I attached it because I liked the 80's tune but when I translated the lyrics it didn't fit my thoughts and this is a problem that happens when one doesn't understand the language.

    So, if I write offenses in English I am sorry, I use a translator, it is not the first time that after translating separately or looking at the words, I have written things that not only do not make sense, but are far from what I wanted to write.

    Likewise, for those who didn't know it, to make it clear that having followers is totally legal and allowed, it is an option that Classic Client allows and that in fact, I have used many times, particularly in dungeons to quickly bring my other characters.

    Although no one commented anything, I felt I had to do it because my posts are made with respect and are not intended to make anyone feel bad.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    mis said:
    Likewise, for those who didn't know it, to make it clear that having followers is totally legal and allowed, it is an option that Classic Client allows and that in fact...
    Just in case, cuz your post timing is real bad considering mine (if u acknowledge them, wich u did -.-)

    In my case day 1-4 of this event.. U had those three train conductor, arriving in every city invasion; two with 3 followers and the last 2. Usually 11 toon on zone.. with three looking human, the rest clearly are bots attack nearest, doing stupid pathing or getting stuck or could stay dead 5-15min.

    Once I start calling them out for obvious bots (they arrive on zone with a follow train`they would drop their bots one by one on good grinding spot on the zone)

    At this point, when i notice that and call them out; I had 1-3 people attacking me at all time (reds and greys) while I was messing with their bots (at first i would only block their pathing, not turning grey to receive aoe and kill them) while trying to kill mobs..

     If that was a fight of will.. me cleaning the game from bots and those 3 individuals just superivising their bots (owning fel city for themselves; killing loud intruder as myself) I clearly won on day 5++
    At this point they just wanted peace and bot openly and freely on felucca.

    Sometimes could be 5-6 human players form the same group of toons.. example that geralt 90% of the time he was in bot mode.. other time like at the end of day 4.. he turn grey on me.. killed me without receiving a single scratch.. he was real happy gloating on general.. but he had failed to realised; I let him take a free murder count, did not heal me or attack him back...
    The next 15min.. he came and turn grey/attack me thrice.. and died 3 times.

    So at this point they were humiliated (I had put their best grey; First Gen on the run also minutes after humliating geralt and had killed their best red the previous day).. day 5 missing in action and by day 6.. no more PvP with red and attacking me with blue (they know where the weird guard zones still are in those cities, unlike me.. i need to turn grey and aggro aoe from bots)

    So by day 6.. you had these individuals using those said bots as followers (control maximum 10% of the time).. so they would PvP with them against people using AoE dmg spell/weapon.. Here is the thing.. one of these people admitted on the forum, those were not their alts.. those were other people character set on follow.. those are NOT his own alt account following him to enjoy more luck or random scripted action like auto healing, auto scripting buff, etc.. those are unattended players that went to bed with follow their guildmate to enjoy free artifacts; from the boss (free slots machine token) and help that said guildmate to PvP as an unattended zerg (attack hostiles/AoE)
    Usually those "train" of people are playing on their own (most of them are clearly botted most of the times) but here.. my example.. your post.. make no sense.. what if an entire guild set their character on follow to enjoy free artifact from boss (cuz a scum like myself cry when they bots and kill them)
    plus their unattended character collecting free artifact can now help their guildmate PvP that said scum.

    All that to say.. i'd say at least of 90% of every train u see.. are used in an illegal manner. (and i'm generous)

    Personally since we can launch 2 clients on the same PC (wich was not possible before BoardSword)
    I'm 100% using the alt account.. like to do a champ spawn or kill a boss; I put on my bracelet of binding (cuz i'm not a broke ass) and voilà.. here is my thief to pop a couple EV's.. Recently i've used the thief on the alt account to have an extra set of eye or rez me during the event.. Instead of using the legal follow.. I just go on the zone using the thief, gate my dexer then find a good spot to hide the alt thief..

    Cuz if i'm being realistic.. if i'm to bring an alt character on follow mode.. i'd use the bard and on top of the luck suit he would do automated buff and heals.. just cuz U CAN, under BS mismanagement and if it's not mismanagement.. it's clearly a problem of corrupted GM's.. or both!

    Your angle of approach is VERY obtuse.. like VERY.. won't gonna lie, i'd call that the austrich approach.

    PS: since I report them and they still botting and cheating in game on third party frame skipping.. i hvn't log on UO past ~week.. waiting for them to do their job.. This is not for what i sign for, on the official UO shard.. we gonna have to force Boardsword hand to do something about the OBVIOUS problems for the game.. I say "we" but yeah.. i'm including very little of the participant on this forum.

    Edit: seriously if i were to use third party/play the game like BS intend me to play.. i'd use 2 alts followers to do automated cross bandages.. a small unkillable train of full luck automated cross bandaid archers (3 toon total, including the train leader; dexer) and i'd go PvP and PvE with that.. wich will never happen, the game would lose all it's flavor to me..

    Example.. the first 4 day of the event.. i was finally shutting down my second screen.. to use the dexer and PLAY the game (was doing mostly crafted stuff on alt account waiting for theme gated event on this theme gated game).. I need game sound to use bandaid and other stuff.. i'm not a lazy scum automating simple things like bandaid.. I use "apply" sound mostly, instead of peaking at the buff/debuff bar.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • mismis Posts: 251
    KroDuK said:

    PS: since I report them and they still botting and cheating in game on third party frame skipping.. i hvn't log on UO past ~week.. waiting for them to do their job.. This is not for what i sign for, on the official UO shard.. we gonna have to force Boardsword hand to do something about the OBVIOUS problems for the game.. I say "we" but yeah.. i'm including very little of the participant on this forum.

    According to what I have understood from the translator, because there are parts that it does not translate and I have to deduce, is that you did not enter UO for a week because of this issue.

    I'll tell you something, without going into assessing whether what you have seen was legal or not, if they were bot or not, tell you, all multiplayer games I've played, in all there have been players who have cheated, you will always see cheaters.

    But not only in games, but also in real life, in business, politics, sports, finance, etc. there is always that possibility of someone falling into the temptation to cheat, to deceive, to do illegal or immoral things.

    The important thing is that you have the conscience that your actions have been correct, exemplary, ethical, virtuous, forget about the rest, because the time will come when the order will be restored, sooner or later, and I speak to you in a profound way, everything comes for everyone, both good and bad.

    Therefore, let nothing and no one take away your illusion of continuing in this game, if you leave it, let it be because you are tired, but not because of the acts of others.

    So cheer up, there is a big universe in Ultima Online where you can do many adventures and if you do the event, focus on getting the points, go to the opposite side of those who do not like you, but do not let that disturb you and think about how beneficial it will be for you those rewards, either for personal use or future sales when in the future other players need it, focus on you.

  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    Maybe we should go in DM in your own language. You clearly do not understand the bigger picture here.. on Legends, back since june, 9 persons out of 10 i've seen outside luna bank were doing botting stuff.. u have mesanna doing post they going at war against bot.. and from what i've seen/experience during the events, most toon i seen were bots.

    I won't even talk about cheater skipping frame in PvP.. only one dude i fought didnt have such superman like powers.

    Just look the state of their clients.. like the CC.
    It's a shame; BS legit pushing us toward the botting/third party.. more accounts equal more money, instead of making it fun and have more legit players, like they could clearly achieve.. they want us to roll couple bots each 24/7.. while cheaters making bullshit excuses.

    All what u said ain't representing the current situation/problem with BS studio.
    PS: also flash news.. it's a MMOrpg.. the community is a big factor. y'all need to realise it's not a single MMO online game. doing such comment:
    (in this case; Tired of BS BS, like sponsoring bots.)
    Just read the signature.. this is what u deserve on europa.
    mis said:
    Therefore, let nothing and no one take away your illusion of continuing in this game, if you leave it, let it be because you are tired, but not because of the acts of others.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • mismis Posts: 251
    KroDuK said:
    Maybe we should go in DM in your own language. You clearly do not understand the bigger picture here.. on Legends, back since june, 9 persons out of 10 i've seen outside luna bank were doing botting stuff.. u have mesanna doing post they going at war against bot.. and from what i've seen/experience during the events, most toon i seen were bots.

    I understand everything you want to explain to me, but you don't understand me, neither its essence nor the depth that I wanted to transmit to you.

    When I was as IRC Operator many years ago, (which to explain in a simple way what it means, are those who watch over the proper functioning of the server and have privileges to even expel or ban a user from an IRC network) I was personally in charge of expelling advertising bots, independently or through user reports.

    These well programmed bots, if I entered with my IRC Operator status, they recognized my status and did not send me a private message with advertising, the only way to detect them was to open another client as a user, enter the specific channel and receive the private message.

    But an IRC network is not the same as something more complex like a game server, where certain factors are required for the detection of these bots.

    Understand that our status is as a player, and our duty is to comply with the rules and report any bug we detect or in case of an irregularity as you say, if we suspect that there is a bot exploiting resources, etc. report to a GM to check if this is so.

    This check, as I told you, is not instantaneous, everything takes a process, nor in an IRC network was instantaneous, therefore, let those responsible do their job.
    KroDuK said:
    All what u said ain't representing the current situation/problem with BS studio.
    PS: also flash news.. it's a MMOrpg.. the community is a big factor. y'all need to realise it's not a single MMO online game. doing such comment:
    (in this case; Tired of BS BS, like sponsoring bots.)
    Just read the signature.. this is what u deserve on europa.
    I have shared a point of view with you, a way of seeing things.

    You can continue to act like that, increasing that pain and suffering inside you, or you can change your point of view and focus on yourself, on thinking what can I do for others, how can I help the community.

    As I told you, in every game you will find similar situations, in fact, everywhere.

    Let the people in charge of managing the servers do their job, their research, be patient.

    And I repeat, I have given you my point of view, read it if you want to calmly, meditate on it, I know everything you have written to me.

    I consider this conversation between the two of us to be closed. If you write and I do not answer it is for this reason.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    mis said:
    I understand everything you want to explain to me, but you don't understand me, neither its essence nor the depth that I wanted to transmit to you.

    You can continue to act like that, increasing that pain and suffering inside you, or you can change your point of view and focus on yourself, on thinking what can I do for others, how can I help the community.
    Once again, as your first message stated, u missing the gist of it.. that question is already answered.. i'd be proud to play on a legit server.. If the studio in charge would just answer to my GM report and do their job.. 12 months later.. Legends shard would be VERY popular.. cuz it would be a LEGIT shard.. other than that u deserve to PvP against cookie and his army of bots pretending they're his sons; frame skipping all over the map.. but pretty sure u already have installed what shall not be named, to have switch position that fast.

    This is something i can guarantee you.. Legends shard is dead right now.. make it a legit shard.. it's gonna be more crowded than EU within 18 months. (second most populated western shard) and aiming to be the most populated not long after that.. cuz no one likes to play with or against cheaters.. except actual cheaters like the tiny population remaining.. problem ain't UO; problem was EA, mythic and now BS (theme gated game with heretic items made for botters; like high sea) and cheaters.. UO still a GREAT game.. way better than albion online for example..

    Say what u want about them but at least sandbox interactive banning cheats.. they even ban a french GM and make him apologize for abusing his GM power to localize and kill easy target after i did exposed him (he ban me 7 days in game to INCITE cheats) when i was exposing him for cheating/ map hacking.. 5 weeks after my.... SBI banned him in return... here seems like the corrupt GM running the show and mesanna just tagging along while pretending otherwise. (being at war) and the CM is legit powerless...

    Edit: Calling you out for the austrich approach, was on point.. like totally on point. *I said my piece, put his head in the earth*  :#

    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
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