Day 6 part2
Hiya as mention in previous post, on Legends I am at war since day2 with 3 dude botting Felluca.
Previously, they would bring their red to protect their spot.. in the past 4 days i've fought 5 different red mutliple time and plenty of grey from these guys (I've killed 2 red and died twice by a gang bang in those 4 days)
Today, day 6.. only 2 of them are there (7 sampires on zone control by 2 individual)
Those are Cattie-Brie and The First Gen (main character)
They're third friend is the one that enjoy PvP the most.. ***** is low skill and the first gen is maining sampire he got teached day 3 and 4.. yesterday they were all 3 missing in action.
As i said today only 2.. but they didn't bring any red to play with me
Something else is different.. I First Gen is rolling a train instead of doing like usual (like **** is doing at moment)
splitting their sampire and only playing one with attack neareast bot on the other..
Why is that? why would he do a LESS effective grind than usual by running with a train tonight?
The answer is simple.. no red tonight and he scared.. last two time he attack me he ended up running for his life, they got schooled enough (by a shit legit, mid tiered gear player), so let me show you the why we doing a less effective train tonight:
PS: I did not edit, that happen 15min ago; i'm keeping the edit for the good stuff incoming in the future:

if u doubt it's a train or not here (watch till the end; me blocking the door u can see bots behavior):
So here is my problem tonight.. why the frick is he allowed to PvP me on a freaking train of scripted alts (3 for 1).. after they failed for the past 5 day on their red players?
I mean c'mon.. they legit running at paragon speed on their red.. i need to try double hard to get those juicy kill and not dying.. I mean dude.. failing to chase a noob from your zone (3 dude using red with their cheat engine) and now doing this disgusting "PvP"!! a bunch a failures sponsored by BS!
YES, I am reporting them to GM on a daily basis.
Yes i could clearly have killed more than 1 sampire if I had UOA installed and better gear.. but c'mon now.. what am I supposed to do here? Do my own train??.. this should have been 1v2.. not 1v4!!
@Mesanna war on third party? please?
Edit: if u don't act upon I frist gen mutli-bots PvP (i call him Idegen) I'll take all the artifacts he gotten so far with his bots army.. i'll be ok with that.
Previously, they would bring their red to protect their spot.. in the past 4 days i've fought 5 different red mutliple time and plenty of grey from these guys (I've killed 2 red and died twice by a gang bang in those 4 days)
Today, day 6.. only 2 of them are there (7 sampires on zone control by 2 individual)
Those are Cattie-Brie and The First Gen (main character)
They're third friend is the one that enjoy PvP the most.. ***** is low skill and the first gen is maining sampire he got teached day 3 and 4.. yesterday they were all 3 missing in action.
As i said today only 2.. but they didn't bring any red to play with me

Something else is different.. I First Gen is rolling a train instead of doing like usual (like **** is doing at moment)
splitting their sampire and only playing one with attack neareast bot on the other..
Why is that? why would he do a LESS effective grind than usual by running with a train tonight?
The answer is simple.. no red tonight and he scared.. last two time he attack me he ended up running for his life, they got schooled enough (by a shit legit, mid tiered gear player), so let me show you the why we doing a less effective train tonight:
PS: I did not edit, that happen 15min ago; i'm keeping the edit for the good stuff incoming in the future:

if u doubt it's a train or not here (watch till the end; me blocking the door u can see bots behavior):
So here is my problem tonight.. why the frick is he allowed to PvP me on a freaking train of scripted alts (3 for 1).. after they failed for the past 5 day on their red players?
I mean c'mon.. they legit running at paragon speed on their red.. i need to try double hard to get those juicy kill and not dying.. I mean dude.. failing to chase a noob from your zone (3 dude using red with their cheat engine) and now doing this disgusting "PvP"!! a bunch a failures sponsored by BS!
YES, I am reporting them to GM on a daily basis.
Yes i could clearly have killed more than 1 sampire if I had UOA installed and better gear.. but c'mon now.. what am I supposed to do here? Do my own train??.. this should have been 1v2.. not 1v4!!
@Mesanna war on third party? please?
Edit: if u don't act upon I frist gen mutli-bots PvP (i call him Idegen) I'll take all the artifacts he gotten so far with his bots army.. i'll be ok with that.

So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
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Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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and him...
He got no red today to help him.. if u look the second video.. geralt and janus NEVER swing a single mobs... they just there for his OWN PvP protection.. (a script to PROTECT HIM in PvP. against the big bad noob.. not gaining more artifacts auto attacking everything)
It's an intended PvP bot train..
Come back on an account that has more than 1 post.. I'll show u suidoken (red dexer) auto follow me for 45+min.. till the moment i lure him into GERALT (that was alone attacking nearest/bot)
Geralt flag suidoken.. suidoken flag geralt.. and geralt (the bot of his OWN friend) goes into a frenzy and start chassing suidoken.. after that all the samp bot and red were gone for ~2hours... they come back with no more AoE on the sampire bots.. but they would die cuz of that.. sometimes they can stay dead for 15+ min.
Like i said in the OP.. the train is there only cuz he's scared.. cuz he wants to PvP 3 as 1 against me (he got put to shame last few days trying to attack me).. they never hit a single mobs.. when usually they bot on their own (attack nearest ennemy script, obvious; they doing dumb move)
PS: this erowen has to be I_First_Gen(the cheater leading the train in that video).. in game he was spinning the narrative I was dual account in PvP, total nuts.
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I find this fun.
It is a never-ending war, it is a sandbox. I don't complain - unless it is mega exploits of the game itself, I just fight them, they find solutions, I find new ways to kill them, that is the fun of it.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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I still respect my opponents.
I find in any sport, respect for opponents is important.
Sometimes I don't, sometimes it gets personal, I am not perfect.
I told him gg bro.. your the only one of these scum to not use a speed hack, appreciated.
We are not the same. *waving*
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I agree we are not the same.
No ** sherlock.. they were scripted specially to protect him against what has been killing them for the past 5 days.. HOLY LIGHT!
He's legit LOSING artifact to protect himself and lorna bots (she has 3 u don't see in that video, playing by themselves).. cuz they knew tonight they had no red and i would go on the hunt.
Like i said it should have been 1v2 not 1v4 to end up receiving a barrage of AI from botted alts.
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The problem* is even if i win here (with UOA, since it was only their PvE sampies).. tomorow instead of doing the usual x red with paragon speed help by grey (always 3 max within the 10+) vs1 (or "4"v1 here) the other two could do like, I first did in the video, and roll 3 train to jump me 12v1..
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Meanwhile, this personall attack stayed cuz i'd like to not PvP against a bots train??:
Players vs Players..
I_First and his bot train should be wearing a shirt saying; those PvP bots are *sponsor by BS studio*
Are these guys authorized to bots their PvP on top of botting their PvE now? It's clearly not a blind eye.. rorshnak intervention proves it.. knowing we at war against third party! right @mesanna?
It look more n more like a pro bot lobbying going on around here, wich would be consider corruption!?! (with things like; war on third party post)
@Kyronix what are your thoughts about this?
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I just fought a dexer with his red heal bot pocket from the same group of individual..
Cuz, I 100% need to start frame skipping on illegal client and doing my own bot train to PvP on UO under Boardsword management.. this is not for what I sign for on the official UO.
I really need an official answer here.. I mean watch the videos.
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1 for 3 for the PvP
0 for 10 for the PvE
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see them following and lagging behind the leader.
Edit: just in case.. he said they were friends all playing together, wich is why i reposted this video (would u call that 3 friends playing together?).. and what u said I agree.. except the lagging part.. it's call frame skipping.. just look the combat.. u can clearly see first gen frame skipping (teleporting) a couple steps every now and then.. wich make it hard to stay on top of him, wich explain why i can only finish them with holy light and why he uses this AoE aggro PvP bot train.. the "lag" it's intentional third party cheats.
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This is the PvP part:
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Also you cant run at full speed for long, one will lag too far behind. These cities are fine tho.
Its weird because my 3 screens show the toons in different places on each screen.
Like when u try to open a door in front that door and it doesn't work. Your not really in front that door. (happen a lot outside blackthorn castle on fel)
This is a bad server estimate (desynch) and your gonna get recalibrate as soon u interact with something.
All that to say: do not look at your clients (what u see) all that matter is what the server is receiving not what he estimate.
Example.. I see someone chassing me 3 step behind and I receive a hit he recalibrate on me and go in front of me to block me.. this is them using third party cheat abusing the server calculation mechanics, to frame skip (they teleport for me.. messing with data via third party)
They not really speed hacking but it feel like it cuz of the frame skipping/teleport.
Edit: Here an example of lag: he's done moving but his feet still walking in place.. u can tell his data travel a bit longer (like australia)/slower.. but the server estimated his position already... that guy still in movement on his screen.. but u don't lag (closer to server) and see him where he's going to be. with "happy" feet
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Muliboxing means any keystroke goes to all the accounts. Notice they do not start moving at the same time and they are not all on top of each other. They also do not cast the same spells at the same time. Its could be one person, or as he said more. Some of the spell delays look like me clicking screen to screen. Like if I have 2 weavers casting WoD, there's delay between each ones cast and delay with hitting the target.
Our resident "bot" who is present and in chat all the time, he will let you join his train as long as you want. Even let you lead if you want. But, I think he is quitting for some reason.
He's still using his BOTTED alts to PvP with me and as I thought one people in his group is doing the same 1 sampire with BOTTED archers following him. 2 bots train going on with red protection.
Here I recorded this 15 min ago, same people still not ban..then I went grey for the same result as 2 days ago.. got gangbang by his scripted alts and a red guy this time.. the second scripted train didn't had the time to join in, i was already dead.
Clearly just friendx playing together on Felucca.. nothing to do with PvP protection.
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Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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If they were swinging show the video, I know you were recording..
You are a horrible person.
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