Shuriken does not apply high-level poison.

mismis Posts: 252
I would like the developers to review the reason why poison is not applied correctly as it was years ago.

Was it a publication that changed this?

I share text from the initial publication:

'Confirmed, the shuriken poisoned with Deadly Poison (Level 4) does not apply to the target, tested with different targets. The target receives Lesser Poison (level 1).

In case there is a publication where they explain that there was a change a few years ago, it is a bug. In the old days this was not the case.

A high level poisoner who poisons an apple for example, the poison stays there, the one who eats the apple does not have to have poisoning skill to receive the high level poison.

In the same way, if a high level poisoner poisons a shuriken or a fukiya, the poison remains there, the caster does not have to be a poisoner to poison him, because he is already poisoned to the object he throws.

It is true that with weapons like a kryss, it requires poisoning level to apply it, but it seems to me equally wrong, because the blade of this weapon is already poisoned, in fact, it indicates the type of poison it has, therefore, the contact with the target when applying the special attack should poison him.

Where it is correct that it requires the ability to poison is the special attack Serpent Arrow, because the arrow is not poisoned previously (the arrow does not indicate that it contains poison of a type as it happens with a shuriken or fukiya).'

Thank you

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