Disagreeing with Mariah moderation

KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
edited November 2024 in PvP / VvV
I was about to comment on @mis sexy post..

They have done so much BAD moves over the years.. before fixing anything they would have to fire the devs that does some of these to start with..

Like pushing the meta toward mage with 2 hander..OP tamers and OP sampire cuz of heretic theme gated park itemization with antique jewelry for 900+ skill point build and maxing every single stats possible or legitimizing the use of bots to ruin every non botting user experience.. like this event.. I personally am not using an auto Armor Ignore scripted alt.. and that rework on tamer.. way too op!

There is some small changes they could have done.. like overall HARDCAP or limiting the numbers of heretic piece we can wear or making Magic Find FUN again.. no wonder there is so many people botting their PvE.. that itemization is made for data analyst!

An example of very easy change for a better balance.. bring back the over capping DC  (to 45% not the heretic 70% stats that explain this change of not overcapping for hit lower defense)

The best change for this heresy would be to let NON spell chan shield user overcap to counter HLD.. boom u just did counter the meta build.. with a shit build (that can't kill them)
On a tiny small change u just counter that best two build.. 2 hander and mages..

Once again I disagree with Mariah.. we are the best to find OBVIOUS fix.. the problem is Boardsword just gave up on Prodo... do as u please.. the best they gonna do is BRIBE us on prodo with more heresy.. killing even more the combat.. PvP AND PvE..
Like that sword incoming in the next event.. such heresy is killing me.. the ultimate PvE WEAPON.. such a shame for a sandbox game.

PS: once more Mariah shutting down GOOD discussion is such a bad move (just ignore lying cheater like Cookie) so we (the non botting experienced players with a brain and will) can do the design job for the dev team that totally gave up on Prodo.
So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

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