Transfer to Test Center Down

How can I test the new event, if transfers to TC is not an option?


  • Create a character on TC and set your skills to what you want.  Check bank box for items.  It is nice to test with your normal character but can do this to check things out also. 
  • KingKing Posts: 143
    I want to bring my Sampire and other kind of toons to TEST, that is the whole reason of TC, I dont need to make a new toon if I dont have my suit and talisma and weapons and so on!!!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    King said:
    I want to bring my Sampire and other kind of toons to TEST, that is the whole reason of TC, I dont need to make a new toon if I dont have my suit and talisma and weapons and so on!!!
    Test Center has not been wiped for over 2 years.  Why have you not sent toons there?  Now you know to when every server has the same publish.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KingKing Posts: 143
    so @Pawain ; the fact that Test center is down to transfer is somehow MY fault? is that what you saying?  not that the transfer is down for some reason but it is the player fault? really?
  • KingKing Posts: 143
    I honest think that TC should be wiped every couple month, I can never understand why people place houses all over to TEST and than leave the houses there, so no one else can test anything. the purpose of the TC shard was to Test things and not people leaving houses there for 2 years!!!!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    King said:
    so @ Pawain  the fact that Test center is down to transfer is somehow MY fault? is that what you saying?  not that the transfer is down for some reason but it is the player fault? really?
    It will be after this cycle. Since you have been given the knowledge,  you can choose to use it or not. 

    You can't copy to TC when it is on a publish that does not match your server.  

    Otherwise when it is not letting you copy, post in the TC section and they will fix it quickly.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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