Ultima Online a story of quality
Heres a story, if you want you can just read the bold text.
So its the 12th of november 2024....
Theres a IDOC house in Malas Luna Europa shard.....
A storry of missing opportuneties to save a unique museum....
A story about a house that fell with all its rares and epix.....

A story about tons of gargoyles and newly created characters vacuuming the IDOC barrels
A storry about the missed oppertuneties to enforce the law on cheaters
A story about someone that placed a house... then..
A story about a shard that was online, then suddenly went offline.
A story about new oppertunities to place a house
A story about missing oppertunities to make a fair house placement system...
A story about a race to place house after server went up again

A story about George, who were the fastest fish (scriptkiddie) to place a new house

A storry to be remembered, but not wanted to experience again.
A story about oppertuneties to improve UO and make it a fair gaming experience...