Congiarium - Affects Bestiary/Lure Drop Chance?

PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 653
edited November 2024 in New Legacy
I have a sneaking suspicion that the level of the Congiarium affects the drop chance for Bestiaries/Lures from bosses, as a way for the devs to time-gate high end tames in NL, since Mages and Warriors have their best gear time-gated behind the Congiarium. At the current low level of the Congiarium, the drop chances are ultra-low, but i suspect that by Vanq level, Bestiaries/Lures will be frequent drops like they were in Beta (we hit Vanq level fast in Beta).

@Kyronix Is this how it will actually work?


  • RhelRhel Posts: 78
    I'm going to state here that the below is my thoughts on the matter, and those thoughts are my own. I'm not trying to belittle the team managing UO or NL, and I resubbed my two accounts so I could play NL. This is just my feedback on what I feel are currently major issues with the current season system.

    I have enjoyed, for the most part, my NL experience. I've met new people, and have really enjoyed being able to do content with them. The problem is, I can have that social aspect and do content on the production shards. I am hopeful NL brings something more to the table, because right now its just a fast track to a character, to then spend hours smacking bosses around in hopes to get something that will progress my character.

    I also hope you're right, because I'm close to being done beating my head against the "end game" boss rotations and getting plain, generic armor as a pack drop. I dusted off my old production characters this weekend, and spent more time farming mares and enjoying it than I have felt enjoying NL in the last week.

    If the current drop system for bestiaries is how it will always be, I definitely won't be playing/subscribing for the first ~4-5 months of the next season, if there is a next season. I don't mind grinding, and I love Path of Exile and Diablo 4 style games, but grinding bosses for months knowing there will be a reset to get "of guarding" gear, only to then reset and grind the same bosses over and over to get "of hardening", "of fortitude" and "of invuln" each time the Congiarium updates is just not fun. With abysmal drop rates on lures, taming books, and songs?

    I'd much rather see a progression system and bestiaries removed from drop tables. Each time the Congiarium levels up, tamers can select one of the bestiaries to unlock. 

    Level 1 - Everyone has drakes, and the quest lure tames like frostpaw and thunderhoof
    Level 2 - Each tamer can select a quest to unlock dragons, undead, nightmares, 
    Level 3 - Each tamer can select a different quest from the remaining 2
    Level 4 - Each tamer selects the last quest unlock
    Level 5 - Allow tamers to select a quest for one lure tame like Emberwing. Add additional "top level" lure tames for Nightmare and Undead. 

    This would provide progression and time gating, along with other classes. This would give choice to each tamer on what they'd like to tame first. This fits with how NL seems to be bound by the Congiarium.

    Keep lures drops as chase items, even keep bestiary drops as chase items. If pets can be brought back to other shards, collectors and traders will want extras, so they'll still chase extra lures. 

    They could also add items to bosses specifically for tamers too, like a crook that when wielded has controlled <insert animals> resistances all raise by 5 or damage done by +1/+2/+3 etc. They could balance this by making the smaller pets more appealing, with these items giving larger boosts, or even by specializing, such as a crook that boosts a WW's fire resistance by +10. 

    One of the biggest problem with bestiaries as drops and selling is that their power is never diminished. I have a 100% fire surp acc repeater of might, but its not no one wants it because everyone knows that in a few days we'll probably get force, so the return is dwindling. 

    They could also tie loot tables to a persons primary skills. If I'm Mage, Med, Discord, Provo, and then Tame/Lore/Vet - then instead of giving me elemental weapons that my class will never use as my rare drops, give me taming books and lures. Alternatively if someone has swords, tactics, anatomy, healing, give them more elemental sword skill drops. 

    We need clarity on how loot drops and their percentages as well in my opinion. Many people who seemingly have bestiaries drop like candy often silence those of us who are going on 30 days without seeing a single drop, despite putting in the time. Being told that the bestiaries are just rare is wrong.

    Rare is the ~4-5 elemental weapons, 2 songs, 1 lure I've gotten over the last 27 days of boss kills, uncommon is the random piece of boss named loot and common are the hundred eighth level scrolls I have in my house.

    You know what isn't rare based on my experience? Bestiaries. They're at a minimum, for many people, ultra rare and to be honest, I'm tired of the people who have them trying to silence the voices of others who haven't seen any.

    My biggest concern is actually that the devs will start dropping events, and the people who have magically obtained all the bestiaries will have no problem participating, topping damage, getting more loot, while the people who got shafted by the terrible RNG system will just be left even further behind. People will be doing the events, instead of grinding bosses, and there will be no way to get lures/bestiaries. 

    The current system is also feels set up to create a huge divide in the player base. The people "lucky" enough to get bestiaries, will cascade in power above the others, causing the people with less powerful characters to fall even further behind.

    As an example, a player was selling two white wyrm bestiaries on their vendor for 3 million a piece. I've pretty much logged in every day the last 27 days, and I do farm arctic ogre lords sometimes, but I barely have 500k. Some friends who have had vendors open since day one barely have 1 million. To me, it just shows a huge disconnect between reality and what this guild thinks other players have. Not to mention, why is one person able to get 3+ WW bestiaries while there are others who haven't received a single one?

    The silence by the devs is also troubling. 

  • IronmaliceIronmalice Posts: 19
    edited December 2024
    Look at that, yet another thread about loot issues. the more i look the more i find. ther is an obvious issue. Are you guys trying to tank the New Legacy server? My high hopes have been depleted by countless hours of boss rotations for no drops. If its tied to the congarium then the fix is come back later when the goal is achieveable because the work has been put into the Cong? What say you @Kyronix ?
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