Question about event items

psychopsycho Posts: 375
edited November 2024 in General Discussions
Ive seen the new event items on Test center, quite a few of them comeback from previous events which brings me to the questions:

1: Are they listed at the same points as previous events?
2: Some of the artifacts have names attatched, are they known people from UO lore / Or are going to be covered in a storyline? (example: Kaelvoks Cincture, Vorthas Medalion, Deathwardens Greaves, Azaroks Legplates, General Lethes Tabard, Mordrax Compendium)

For question 1 theres interesting for collectors/investors that old event items are not comming back indefinately, and if they do that the cost in points are equal to the previous and the mods are equal.

For question 2, there need to be a consistancy in the naming procedures of artifacts so that new figures are not invented all the time without any further storyline or random items. Some people from other games try collect armor sets, and might think the names represent full sets for an armorset, which clearly is not the case in UO. Im not asking for a 10pages lore of each character here, I rarely read those, just for the record.

Its good that the items exist both in human and gargoyle version, please do test so that the items give the effect it says, that they are reparable(if needed) and that they can be transmoged onto other items and still be repairable, and that they are shardbound(with text in NPC menu)

Thank you



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