Digging Treasure
What happen with the coordinates and T-Hunter Library? Am I supposed to dig the entire forest?
What cheat engine should I use if I enjoy CC to make this enjoyable?
Been 20 min still hvn't find the "4tiles" sweet spot

What cheat engine should I use if I enjoy CC to make this enjoyable?
Been 20 min still hvn't find the "4tiles" sweet spot

So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
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Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Can't believe u guys let them doing that to T-hunter.. Davie's locker with carto or cheat engine without Carto..
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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You can turn the easiest thing in UO into something complicated.
I did 2 map.. took me 25 and 45 min to find the chest with 105 carto on CC client with a HUGE red dot u cannot zoom in and the map from the T-hunt is EC it doesn't match the CC map at all!
I still cannot believe this shit is real.. and people like Paiwan ate that like candy
Here where was the chest on the second, 45min, map:
PS: It did spawn a manifesation.. I had one mage then one tamer (one after the other) that try to come help.. then 3 guys multibox.. one garg thrower (leading) with 2 guys multi box following him.. both were pocket healers.. sad stuff.
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I have no idea what you are talking about.
Just look the carpenter/bowcraft BODS.. this was design considering the heartwood bots.. if ur legit with a working brain.. no way on earth u doing a single dovetail heartwood saw, just the crafting materials sell for more than what bots users selling them heartwood saw; considering the bribe and time u can't go lower than 12-15m.. Boardsword helping y'all cheat engine/bots users to run the economy and events for them..
Any cheat engine user on UO could wear a jacket saying: Sponsored by BS studio!!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Before the first time was tedious work; to make your own coordinates runebook library (or u could use a public one) Personally I would usually mark my rune 3 steps on the right of the chests (using UOAM once + cartography skill) when you have your library no need UOAM anymore.. was a one time thing.. then u good to roll like a boss.
We can draw a comparison with the actual event; the town crier.. EC can have the option to set up something; the location of the manifestation gonna be ping on their map.. automated.. meanwhile i have to mess around with a freaking sextant on CC..
Well I guess i'm lucky Sextant ain't a vet reward.. THANKS YOU BS, appreciated!!
Meanwhile the cheat engine user gonna have automated coordinate with tons of multibox alts account following him around with auto aim script to earn 5-10 satchels per manifestation... cuckblocking the few & fewer (thx to BS) legit users... meanwhile i'm here doing 2 maps in 90minutes. It was faster to train Remove Trap from 32.8 to GM than doing those 2 maps.. I-n-s-a-n-i-t-y.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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you shouldn’t be mining, just single click the map and click dig for treasure.
Next your gonna tell me, give up on Prodo.. come enjoy New Heresy; Theme Park Legacy.
I'm not buying into BS twin babies.. pretty sure even BS ain't using EC and they clearly hvn'T done a single map to test their design about this T-Hunt event.. with all those flaws.. no way on earth they even came close to do a single map or manifestation.. they throw stuff on the wall hoping something will stick.
I would use an illegal client before considering using EC for more than buying regs once a year and with this client i wouldn't be playing on official.
Think about it.. BEFORE boardsword rework on T-hunting.. it was working great (after a single tedious work if u wanted your own personalize library) without cheat engine nor davie's locker nor the headach u going to.
Just the carpenter and bowcraft bods is in the same vein.. BS considering cheaters (helping them with insane bods for things like heartwood saw, instead of doing the opposite and helping artisan to counter the bots they refuse to ban) and basta the legit CC user while sponsoring the bots.
It's a speed run of the sexy sandbox UO to it's grave.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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We still have hope (they like the fourth studio?), if u gave up it's your problem.. u can use the shovel click map and dig.. with last object it's way faster than left clicking the map to wait for a menu to click dig for treasure.
PS: btw we clearly not watching the same movie once more, your in the left field clueless of the problem.. like wtf are you talking about? You sound like paiwan, it's black on white.. I even did a paint job.. try again!
The only thing u can tell that make sense is.. it make no sense to do t-hunting on CC without a Davie's locker.. your wasting your time.. get lost kro!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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if they added a scaleable map in the CC i probably wouldn’t use anything else.
The additional game size windows were a nice addition
Me like a dumbass i did level a skill call cartography that was doing the job before the rework...
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yes and yes.. not sure why ur even not sure why..
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Done, next.. soon enough your gonna have full ter mur, tram, felluca locations.. u carto the map u have the coordinates.. u look your library, recall and dig one hex on your left.
This is what t-hunting is supposed to be.
Your working in double and gonna keep working in double with EC, without those coordinates and your own library...
my problem start here since this T-hunt rework.. they legit pushing us (cc) toward the illegal client or a davie's.
The Cartography skill is now a joke.. good for mining.
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Cuz this is one of the first thing I asked.. if we could zoom on that red dot on CC.. 4 tiles in the hills equal to one dig every 2 steps.. and that huge red dot was literally ~35 step away from that chest.. 35x35 one dig every 2 steps.. 1 map.. 45 minutes!!
When before cartography skill would give you coordinates off the bat..
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its an approved program just outdated
I use to use vertical and horizontal bars with eight cells each to find chest locations. Line them up with landmarks in line with the chest location on the treasure map, and then with the same locations on the game map. Where they cross is where the chest is. This works everywhere but in the southern jungles where there are few landmarks.
if you have access to a Davie Jone’s locker, you can get the coordinates and set up a midpoint on the game map that will put you in the general location of the chest. If you can fiqure out how to use it, the sextant is more accurate.
I think the 100 cart. is the key. With 100 you can be 4 squares away, and still locate the chest.
This is part of my problem with that rework. Paywall, cheat engine or headach if your legit on CC.
@Arnold7 thx for the tips.. look this quote.. i'm not making stuff up (this was my second map) the red dot on my CC map is where the chest was. try using landmark from the EC map T-Hunt to the CC map.. u'll realise that red dot map differ by a tonssss.
Carto skill + UOAM used to work great and was supported and updated!! When u had your personalize library it was running so smooth for legit CC users!! now..
If u ask me.. the most logical fix would be to have a public davie's for coordinates. prob solve (like they did for seeds ID.. even if we had a legit grind option of using poppies seed dust)
After up to you if u want your own davie's... from where I sit.. choice is obvious.. paywall or push toward cheat engine.. with the latter; u can even get rid of carto after decoding the map to go hunt for this event.
Edit: I said public davie's but a NPC CARTOGRAPHER could do the same job.. all we need is coordinates since our tools are outdated and T-hunt is totally at random now.. wich is insanity imo.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Sorry for the second post. Forum is acting goofy tonight.
I got 105 carto on CC
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Possibly not. I have played on OFFICIAL shards for just over 24 years. Before I played in EC I used this method of finding maps in CC