Concept 2 - The Avatar - Knight of all 8 Virtues.
So, another idea. 
I put forward this idea as a Veteran reward, alongside my primer bookshelf idea.
I appreciate as Veteran rewards you usually do deco, or house add-on type stuff, items that do not affect game balance. So whereas my Primer Bookshelf idea would fit well there - I feel my other concept of a Healing totem/staff that is placed on the ground would not fit into that area.
So my next idea - as I still think the concept is very good.
I've often said - characters who complete all 8 Virtues, should be able to receive/activate a special reward.
This could be it.
To get all 8 Virtues, you have done a lot of pvm, you've done champ spawns, and you've probably done some pvp - so it is an all round playstyle quest in the first place - then reward. Designed to help a team, in pvm or pvp.
It should only be Usable to a character, with Knight in all 8 Virtues. The rest of the concept would stay the same. It would reward players who have put in a lot of effort on 1 character.

I put forward this idea as a Veteran reward, alongside my primer bookshelf idea.
I appreciate as Veteran rewards you usually do deco, or house add-on type stuff, items that do not affect game balance. So whereas my Primer Bookshelf idea would fit well there - I feel my other concept of a Healing totem/staff that is placed on the ground would not fit into that area.
So my next idea - as I still think the concept is very good.
I've often said - characters who complete all 8 Virtues, should be able to receive/activate a special reward.
This could be it.
To get all 8 Virtues, you have done a lot of pvm, you've done champ spawns, and you've probably done some pvp - so it is an all round playstyle quest in the first place - then reward. Designed to help a team, in pvm or pvp.
It should only be Usable to a character, with Knight in all 8 Virtues. The rest of the concept would stay the same. It would reward players who have put in a lot of effort on 1 character.
Cookie said:
A Healing Staff that can be placed by the Veteran into the ground, that heals a party within radius.
This was inspired by our Scalis hunt tonight. {Credit to Frankie}
It could tick every 3 seconds for 10-20 healing, and heal party members who come within range (10 tiles).
Could be used in pvm and pvp.
Originally thought of for Scalis, but could be used in Harrower defence, VvV altar defence, Champion spawn defences, Blackthorn Captains etc - all group pvp and pvm events.
It could use Arcane Gems to recharge it - 1000 gems for 1000 ticks.