Quantity or Quality?

psychopsycho Posts: 375
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

Thanks to our great friends at UO-CAH we have the following table. (below text)
Theres alot of already existing items, rehued in different colours, quite alot of them actually.
Same with the 27th rewards, and probably same with the comming xmas rewards.  Every year we have new items with different hues, the amount of items in the game is staggering.

Are these items Quality OR QUANTITY?

Meanwhile its cool and reasonable to add new items to the game, im thinking this might be abit over the top. We have alot of old content and items in the game already dying for an upgrade, do we really need more of these items that could be solved with a dye tub?

Reference: UO-CAH

Thanks to the devs for new content, allthough I wanted to raise this particular topic.


  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    Absolutely just quantity and this has been common practice for years; it exponentially increases the amount of work / set combinations by adding a bunch of colors for each item. It's cool for those that are looking for a certain color to go with a theme but to your point, a simple dye tub could have been introduced instead... but that takes the effort away from the players and places it on the Dev team to add more items.
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