Where can you train lock picking?

I’m doing the quest line skill gains. I’m currently a bard/mage. 
I’m wondering if it will let me drop inscription for lock picking, or is lock picking locked into a cartography template or something?
Ive had no luck finding a lock picking trainer. 


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    There is no lockpick skill in Legacy.
    Here is the information that appeared in the Dev Diaries

    Treasure Maps

    Bold treasure seekers rejoice as maps to untold riches can be found throughout the realm! Treasure Maps can be obtained as loot from various creatures throughout BritanniaScribes are able to create an “Decryption Cipher” which can be used to decode maps without the need for additional skills.Treasure Chests can be unlocked via a variety of craftable tools, Skeleton Keys from BlacksmithsImprovised Lockpicks from Alchemists Treasure Maps can be untrapped via a variety of craftable tools, Pressure Wedge from CarpentersLeather Shim from TailorsOr…if you don’t have any regard for your wellbeing roll the dice by opening the chest and meet death!

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