Virtue Shield.
I'm sorry, but for roughly £12.24 ($16.34)
I think we need to know exactly what the "bonus" to virtue point collecting is? because the rest of the shield certainly aint worth it.
I think we need to know exactly what the "bonus" to virtue point collecting is? because the rest of the shield certainly aint worth it.
700 sovs, MAX.
Unless this triples virtue gain, I cannot see this thing ever being worth that price. And why not just tell us? You are expecting us to spend money on it, I really think we should know what we are getting. The vagueness is tiring, and not helpful to us or Broadsword.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
But I'm curious what the virtue gain is like; could be fun! The description is a bit too vague though, needs a bit more clarity I think!
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Soul Stones and Smuggler's Edge, imo, do fall into the pay to win category because they offer services you just cannot get in game otherwise. However, because they are tradable so that players can pay with in game gold, I am fine with it.
As for the price... I have to agree, it is a bit steep. I personally would price it at or below the usefulness of a SS or one of the mounts. But in the grand scheme of things, most people are happy to spend far more for dinner and a movie, or for beer and a pizza delivery, pedicure, or any number of fleeting things. This pixel purchase would be a lot more enjoyable for a lot longer
It would be nice (and good marketing) if they said how much it boosts. However, an interesting thing about UO is that, for better or for worse, they don't hold our hands. This creates a community of players that has to go out and figure stuff out on their own and post it somewhere for folks to find. If I have time, I think I will head over to TC1 and play with this shield for a bit.
Just my two cents.
So for Sacrifice virtue, I just need to equip the Virtue Shield only at the moment I sacrifice my Fame to a suitable monster for the 20% bonus, correct?
As opposed to say, for Valor virtue, I'll need to keep the Virtue Shield equipped throughout all the time I kill Champ Spawm mobs for the 20% bonus, correct?
Treasure Hunters