Last Years Halloween Reward


Can someone please explain while all rewards already given in weeks but we still waiting almost a year?

If Mesanna is busy can somebody else take responsibility?

Otherwise if they try to wait enough to time to be forgettable by winners, this is really disappointing for Ultima Online team. 


  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    edited October 2024
    See the discussion posted by Lewtocalypse dated October 4th.  Apparently no rewards were given out.
  • Lestat, I guess we decided to post about this at he same time :) 

    So far, my endeavours to be gifted said reward (and all you guys who also won), have been met with failure. 

    Initially, there was a general "It's the holiday, they are busy" which semi-blended in with, New Legacy, they are busy. This was general response to my repeated requests on the forums given by other players. I never once hear back from anyone on the team. 

    Anyway, since my last thread before the one on 4th Oct got shut down some time ago, I guess I kinda gave up... But as the halloween spirit came round again, I decided to pick it back up, since its a fully subbed account and i actually wanted to make youtube video of the house, featuring the sign etc... Emailed broadsword, in game GM's posts on here, emailed europa GM... nothing. Then, at least a few days ago a community manager Fenneko at least acknowledged I exsisted and told me there was nothing they could do but at the time they said the featured the new in the town crier, which I hadn't seen. So they had at least done a small part to do soemthing about it, but in terms of the reward, sadly meaningless. I asked if they couldf pass on the story, which they said thye would. I'm not hopeful. Its a bit odd if you ask me. A bit odd indeed. Assides from which ive still got a copy of Lord Denth's journal bugged in my backpack so I can see they arent interested in theese thing. 

    A shame really, I love the season. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    I recommend reaching out to the media. This not the @Community Manager fault this is classic @Mesanna who just wants to ignore it until it goes away..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LestatLestat Posts: 36
    Sure I will continue to request my rightful reward.

    Thanks for the media idea. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Lestat said:
    Sure I will continue to request my rightful reward.

    Thanks for the media idea. 
    The people referred to the forum in last article so they pay attention! Let's get these contest winners their rewards or at least have @Mesanna take responsibility 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • I don't really know anything about this, but I'm willing to hold a pitchfork and/or torch. I'm rabble, here to be roused.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084 they read the forums contact anyone there. this can't be another Mesanna sweeping it under the rug until people forget..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    It's just a game, I'm not worried about my reward for winning last year's contest. It was nice of them to hold a contest in the first place and really cool to see everyones deco. Don't sweat it, is what I say. 

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Larisa said:
    It's just a game, I'm not worried about my reward for winning last year's contest. It was nice of them to hold a contest in the first place and really cool to see everyones deco. Don't sweat it, is what I say. 
    It is important it's a new CM losing credibility it's players acting in good faith some transferring items from other shards and as usual it's Mesanna refusing to accept any accountability..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LestatLestat Posts: 36
    McDougle написал:
    Larisa said:
    It's just a game, I'm not worried about my reward for winning last year's contest. It was nice of them to hold a contest in the first place and really cool to see everyones deco. Don't sweat it, is what I say. 
    It is important it's a new CM losing credibility it's players acting in good faith some transferring items from other shards and as usual it's Mesanna refusing to accept any accountability..
    This is the thing
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    Larisa said:
    It's just a game, I'm not worried about my reward for winning last year's contest. It was nice of them to hold a contest in the first place and really cool to see everyones deco. Don't sweat it, is what I say. 
    I think the most unfortunate part of this lack of follow through is what it’s done to throw a wet blanket on the possibility of future decorating contests. How can they, with a straight face, promote other decorating contests to celebrate other holiday seasons?  

    It could have been a lot of fun for a lot of players, and perhaps more and more players would have joined in to try their hand at decorating if this one hadn’t ended with a big belly flop. 

    We could have had all sorts of different themes for deco contests. Specifically, I was hoping there’d be a Christmas or winter theme contest. A spring season or gardens theme would have been a lot of fun, and so on. But now it seems like a kibosh has been put on the whole thing. 

    I don’t think signs parked outside houses for the winners would necessarily be the best thing as prizes. I don’t know that it would look that great to hold lots of different contests and hammer signs in the ground all over the place. But what harm would there be in holding these contests and have some little token piece of artwork given to winners that could be locked down in their houses? We get new little pieces of artwork added for EM events? Why not for deco contests?

    Anyway, seems like a shame that instead of turning this idea into something that could have really taken off, all the life was sucked out of it through neglect that left us standing around scratching our heads. 
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