Last Years Halloween Reward


Can someone please explain while all rewards already given in weeks but we still waiting almost a year?

If Mesanna is busy can somebody else take responsibility?

Otherwise if they try to wait enough to time to be forgettable by winners, this is really disappointing for Ultima Online team. 


  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,382
    edited October 5
    See the discussion posted by Lewtocalypse dated October 4th.  Apparently no rewards were given out.
  • Lestat, I guess we decided to post about this at he same time :) 

    So far, my endeavours to be gifted said reward (and all you guys who also won), have been met with failure. 

    Initially, there was a general "It's the holiday, they are busy" which semi-blended in with, New Legacy, they are busy. This was general response to my repeated requests on the forums given by other players. I never once hear back from anyone on the team. 

    Anyway, since my last thread before the one on 4th Oct got shut down some time ago, I guess I kinda gave up... But as the halloween spirit came round again, I decided to pick it back up, since its a fully subbed account and i actually wanted to make youtube video of the house, featuring the sign etc... Emailed broadsword, in game GM's posts on here, emailed europa GM... nothing. Then, at least a few days ago a community manager Fenneko at least acknowledged I exsisted and told me there was nothing they could do but at the time they said the featured the new in the town crier, which I hadn't seen. So they had at least done a small part to do soemthing about it, but in terms of the reward, sadly meaningless. I asked if they couldf pass on the story, which they said thye would. I'm not hopeful. Its a bit odd if you ask me. A bit odd indeed. Assides from which ive still got a copy of Lord Denth's journal bugged in my backpack so I can see they arent interested in theese thing. 

    A shame really, I love the season. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,969
    I recommend reaching out to the media. This not the @Community Manager fault this is classic @Mesanna who just wants to ignore it until it goes away..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
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