Travel in NL

Not sure if a thread has already been started or if this topic has already been canvassed. I didn’t find anything regarding traveling in NL. 

I’ve always happily done a lot of riding around Britannia rather than always using runebooks and magery. And I admit I’m spoiled by using ethereal mounts. You have to admit, a lot of running long distances without any mount quickly becomes tedious. 

There are lots of circumstances where once you get to where you want to go in NL you’ll want to be able to safely dismount without worrying your mount is going to be left to die. I’m wondering if there’s a way to address this in a way that’s healthy for the game and its economy?

Two ideas sprang to mind for me. 

One - A hitching post in my pocket. Something craftable with charges. Components could be something like a carpenter or blacksmith created hitching post that needs a scribe’s gate scrolls as an ingredient when crafting. Say 10 charges per hitching post 5/stabling charges and 5/claim charges. 

Two - Ethereals as a gold sink sold by stable-master npc’s. Not as crafter friendly so it wouldn’t be my first choice. But I wouldn’t say no to it if a craftable item was a no go. 

Anyone have other ideas? 


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    Where, specifically, are you worried about?  Trinsic passage doesn't allow you to be mounted, but your pet can follow you inside. When I did quests there I entered the first section, told the horse to stay, went the rest of the way on foot and returned to find my pet safely waiting for me in a no-spawn area. 
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 101
    LilyGrace said:
    Not sure if a thread has already been started or if this topic has already been canvassed. I didn’t find anything regarding traveling in NL. 

    I’ve always happily done a lot of riding around Britannia rather than always using runebooks and magery. And I admit I’m spoiled by using ethereal mounts. You have to admit, a lot of running long distances without any mount quickly becomes tedious. 

    There are lots of circumstances where once you get to where you want to go in NL you’ll want to be able to safely dismount without worrying your mount is going to be left to die. I’m wondering if there’s a way to address this in a way that’s healthy for the game and its economy?

    Two ideas sprang to mind for me. 

    One - A hitching post in my pocket. Something craftable with charges. Components could be something like a carpenter or blacksmith created hitching post that needs a scribe’s gate scrolls as an ingredient when crafting. Say 10 charges per hitching post 5/stabling charges and 5/claim charges. 

    Two - Ethereals as a gold sink sold by stable-master npc’s. Not as crafter friendly so it wouldn’t be my first choice. But I wouldn’t say no to it if a craftable item was a no go. 

    Anyone have other ideas? 

    No other ideas but wanted to voice my support for the hitching post being portable.  Excellent idea, gives crafters a consumable to keep stocked, a gold sink, and eases the issue of dead mounts.

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    Thanks, Kalsey. ;o)

    Hiya Petra, specifically, one of the instances is going mining. You can’t be on your horse and mine. You don't need a beetle to mine because there’s nothing to carry. But I’d like to not have to run on foot between mining spots then worry about my horse being engaged by every mongbat or harpy that wanders by.

    I have high hopes there’ll eventually be more reason to be stealthing about. Can’t do that with a horse under you. I’d rather not run on foot to every location where I know hiding and stealthing will be what I’ll be up to.

    Fighting bosses that knock you off your horse. The orc champ for instance. Or the fight on the Trinsic flag ship where you get knocked off and end up with a dead horse. I’d rather be able to ride to get there but stable my horse before I’m knocked off and my horse is killed. It’s not that a horse can’t be res’d but why have to have a ghost of a horse running around? And why have to beg for a tamer to come help you out after the fact?

    Another kinda big factor for me, and I suppose this is where my being spoiled by ethereal mounts really shows, is aesthetics. I don’t like running into houses and shops or places in general where you’d never bring your horse. The whole time working blacksmithing we all stood around blocking the forge with our horses. Seems silly.

    I don’t know if unattended animals go wild in NL or not, I’m guessing not. I know there are work-arounds for all of this. But why not create a convenience that can be player crafted and create commerce?  Or a gold sink everyone would be interested in instead?

    Can anyone solve a disagreement for me? My husband says ethereals came out as a vet gift in year two. I said I think it was later. I can’t find a history. I can only find info on how old your account needs to be in order to ride particular mounts.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,407Moderator
    As I remember you had to be 36 months to claim, and ride, an ethy. First year ethy's were added later.
    This seems to be confirmed by the way they're listed on the vet reward page:

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    Thanks Mariah!
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